Poisonous Desires
down for a wire by one of the women.” Rex didn’t look pleased to be felt up.
    Nadia could only marvel that werewolves were doing this deliberately to feline-shifters. “What do you need from me?” She hated to take a backseat, but in this case if she let Rex do all the heavy lifting, that meant less work for her. Plus, that meant she wouldn’t be out and about and possibly getting caught by Urban.
    “You—” Rex pointed his fork at her, “—are going to let me deal with the details. I’ll call you in at the end. They know me. To introduce you could make them nervous, and I don’t need them anxious or suspicious. Besides, I already told them I work alone. You can handle the cyber-research, right? Get a track on their pasts and see if you can find the why?”
    Nadia dragged the last of her pancake through the syrup and ate it. While she chewed, she gave herself some time to think. She swallowed the last of her milk, called over the waiter again for a mocha with extra whip, and glanced over at Rex. “Yeah, and it will be better for me. Torger’s not my biggest fan.” If only Urban could be .
    Rex gave her a wide grin. “Boss man doesn’t like outsiders who could screw up investigations, and you, honey, have trouble written all over you.”
    His gaze roamed over her body, a leering look in his eyes that made her skin crawl. Nadia studied her dining companion. He was handsome enough, if you liked a face with all sharp angles. His confidence could be appealing, if she didn’t feel he was projecting a false bravado. All in all, there was only one man she wanted, and she couldn’t have him.
    Nadia held out her hand. “We’re partners on this, nothing more. Besides, you’re not my type, and I’ve got a man.” It pained her to add that last part when she wasn’t really sure about it.
    Rex grabbed her proffered hand and gave it a shake. “Okay, deal. He’s a lucky man. Bet you make life really interesting for him. Although he better mark you ASAP. I’m not the only one sniffing around.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
    Nadia ignored the gesture and pushed back her chair. She slipped her index finger and thumb into her bra and withdrew a moderate amount of bills. Nadia threw down the money and a generous tip and turned to leave, only to stop short. Urban stood at the entrance of the café, his eyes a shining golden color that sent an icy finger down her spine. He looked like he was trying to hold himself back. Unreadable emotion flitted across his face. Nadia wasn’t going to be able to continue dodging him.
    “Fuck.” She shuffled toward him, praying he wouldn’t make a scene. Well, at least a scene that didn’t involve sex. Her pussy and clit began to throb as her temperature rose and her nipples tightened. The urge to sink down to her knees and apologize was on the tip of her tongue. Her body reacted automatically, relaxing with the expectation of its master command. Yeah, I’m really fucked. She walked up to him, head bowed with fists clenched.

Chapter Four
    Urban stared at Nadia. Shock reverberated through his body as blood pooled in his groin and filled his cock whether he wanted it to or not. He studied his woman. There were dark smudges under her eyes; she looked wired with energy and yet ready to crash. With her head bowed, he felt as if he’d walked into one of the many private rooms that they’d used to act out scenes and fulfill their deepest fantasies. His traitorous dick jerked in response while his jeans became far too tight for comfort. He growled, turned on his heel, and strode out of the café before he could do something he’d regret, like taking her in his arms and kissing the life out of her or yanking down her jeans and spanking her in punishment for not telling him she was in town. He ignored the twinge in his heart at seeing her and fullness of emotion that weighed on his chest at the very knowledge that she was so close to him and yet still so distant.
    He struggled

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