The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn

Free The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn by Eric Ives

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Authors: Eric Ives
Wiltshire, wife of Thomas Boleyn
    Henry VIII and
    Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey
    Howard, Katherine, lady Daubeney, wife of Henry Daubeney
    Howard, Katherine, queen
    Howard, Mary, duchess of Richmond, wife of Henry Fitzroy
    Howard, Thomas (d. 1524), earl of Surrey, duke of Norfolk; see also Howard, Dorothy; Howard, Elizabeth (d. 1534); Howard, Elizabeth (d. 1538) ( dauphter ) ; Tilney, Agnes; Tilney, Elizabeth ( wives )
    Howard, Thomas (d. 1554), earl of Surrey, duke of Norfolk,
    Anne Boleyn and
    alienation from
    royal counsellors
    Thomas Cromwell and
    earl marshal
    faction of
    Henry VIII and
    Henry Fitzroy and
    policy of
    presides at trials as lord steward
    Thomas Wolsey and
    see also Howard, Mary ( daughter ); Holland, Elizabeth ( mistress ); Howard, Henry ( son ); Stafford, Elizabeth ( wife )
    Howard, Lord Thomas (d. 1537)
    Howard, Thomas (d. 1572), earl of Surrey, duke of Norfolk
    secretary of see Barker, William
    Howard, Thomas (d. 1646), earl of Arundel and Surrey
    Howard, lord William; see also Broughton, Katherine ( wife )
    Hungerford, Antony
    Hungerford, Walter
    Hunne, Richard
    Hunsdon, Henry, lord: see Carey, Henry
    Huntingdon, earl of: see Hastings, George
    Hussey, John, lord, chamberlain to Mary Tudor; see also Grey, Anne ( wife )
    Hussey, John, servant to Lord Lisle
    Hutton, David

    Incent, John
    deputy of see Butler, Piers; Fitzgerald, Gerald; Grey, Leonard; Skeffington, William
    lieutenant of see Howard, Thomas (d. 1554)
    Isabella of Castile
    Italian wars

    James I ; see also Anne of Denmark ( wife )
    John, king
    Jordayn, Isabel, prioress, later abbess of St Edith’s, Wilton
    sister of
    Josquin des Prés
    Jourda, Pierre
    Joye, George
    Judgement of Paris: see HE, monogrammist
    Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere), pope

    Katherine of Aragon, queen, wife of Arthur, prince of Wales (d. 1502) and of Henry VIII
    and Anne Boleyn
    attempts by Henry VIII to divorce
    annulment announced
    reaction of Katherine to
    resistance by
    badges of
    Eustace Chapuys and
    Charles V and
    chamberlain of see Blount, William
    death of
    allegations against Anne Boleyn
    significance of, for Anne Boleyn
    deserted by Henry VIII
    response of Katherine to
    remains at court to 1531
    position 1531-3
    faction and; see also supporters of
    identified with support for the church
    jointure of
    ladies of; see also Blount, Gertrude; Boleyn, Anne; Howard Elizabeth (d. 1538); Plantagenet, Margaret; Salinas, Inez de; Seymour, Jane; Stafford, Mary; Venegas, Inez de; Wiltshire, Bridget
    marriage to Arthur
    marriage to Henry
    dispensations covering
    record of childbearing
    sexual relations with
    papal verdict for
    popularity of
    princess dowager
    impact on Anne and Henry
    supporters of
    and Thomas Wolsey
    see also Mary Tudor ( daughter ); Isabella of Castile ( mother )
    grand jury
    nun of see Barton, Elizabeth
    offences alleged in
    Kettilbye, James alias Billingford
    Kildare, countess of, later dowager countess of see Grey, Elizabeth
    Kildare, earl of see Fitzgerald, Gerald
    Kingston, William
    conversations with Anne Boleyn
    see also Scrope, Mary ( wife )
    Knight, William
    Knox, John
    Kylbie, Henry

    La Pommeraye, Giles de (French ambassador to England)
    La Rue, Pierre de
    La Vure, see Terveuren
    Lambert, François
    Landriano, battle of (1529)
    Latimer, Hugh, bishop of Worcester
    Latimer, William, chaplain to Anne Boleyn
    Lee, Edward, archbishop of York
    Lee, Henry
    Lee, Rowland, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield
    Lefêvre d’Etaples, Jacques
    Bible translation by,
    epistles and gospels

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