
Free Vanished by Kendra Elliot

Book: Vanished by Kendra Elliot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Elliot
still a lot of information I need to examine, but there are some specific messages we need to get out to the public as soon as possible to bring in some more good tips. First of all, we want the public to look for behavior changes. This person might have missed work today. They might have been a no-show or offered a plausible excuse. Or they might have missed a scheduled appointment. Perhaps they suddenly left town.”
    “We can’t ask the public to report on something so common. We’ll be swamped with useless calls,” Sanford stated.
    Mason silently agreed.
    “I know it seems very general,” Euzent answered. “But it’s just part of a list of behaviors. Of course we don’t want reports of every guy who didn’t show up for work today. I’ll get to the rest.” He glanced down at the papers in his hands. “They may have changed the vehicle they always drive, or have altered their vehicle in some way.
    “Typically, abductors are white males between thirty and forty. They tend to have a history of problems with relationships in general, but especially with women.”
    Mason glanced at the circle of white men, wondering who in the room didn’t have some sort of female relationship issue. Ava was the only woman in the room, and she was intently focused on Euzent.
    “They tend to be somewhat socially isolated, but not always.”
    Mason felt like a spotlight was suddenly shining on his head.
    “It’s possible there is a history of sexual assault or being sexually inappropriate with women.”
    I’m in the clear on that one.
    “How often is sex the motive for an abduction?” an agent asked. Out of the corner of his eye, Mason saw Ava flinch at the question.
    Euzent cleared his throat. “Often. With a child, the motive may be a little different. But usually it boils down to domination and control. It’s about the power. They are in charge, and they are doing exactly what they want to do.”
    “Bastards,” Ava whispered.
    “Usually, children are taken by strangers for one of three reasons. The first is for profit, and usually they contact the parents quickly because they want to keep the child for as short a period of time as possible. The second was the one I already mentioned . . . the person wants the child for sexual gratification or domination. Usually, they don’t want any contact with the parent. The third reason is someone is truly sick and simply wants a child for their own. They don’t make contact, either.”
    “Or it’s the parents,” Mason stated.
    Special Agent Euzent met his gaze. “Exactly. That’s why we clear them first. There’s been no ransom requested yet, so right now the motivation seems domination oriented. Whether it was random or premeditated will be determined. I read the mothers’ interviews. When they were asked if anyone had been hanging around Henley, or if she’d mentioned any odd encounters with adults, they both said no.”
    “We could still get a ransom note,” Ava interjected.
    Euzent paused and smiled. “I pray that is the case here.” His smile vanished as he shifted back to business. “If it was premeditated, our guy has to have a place to keep her. Someplace that won’t draw attention. A basement, a barn, an abandoned outbuilding. Even bathroom facilities have to be considered by the kidnapper. Trust me, he’s thought about this. Henley may have simply been in the right place at the right time for him, or he picked her specifically.”
    “He’s a predator is what you’re saying,” said Ava.
    “I believe so,” answered Euzent. “I know I haven’t given you much to work with, but I’ll add more to my profile as the facts come in.” He nudged his glasses, suddenly looking ten years older as he lowered his gaze. “I’ll be here nonstop until we find her,” he said quietly as he closed the file.
    The agents took that as a signal to leave. Mason followed Ava out of the room.
    “I’m headed back to the house,” she said as they moved down the

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