Crystal's Dilemma

Free Crystal's Dilemma by Christelle Mirin

Book: Crystal's Dilemma by Christelle Mirin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christelle Mirin
Tags: Romance
thought, though.”
    His lips curved up in a smile. “Exciting? That’s a wonderful way to put it. I’m glad to know you find being with me an exciting experience.” He leaned forward, stopping a few inches from her face. “You are the most exciting, sexy woman I’ve ever met in my life. You are beautiful and intelligent and everything I could ever hope for in a woman.”
    His words made her heart stutter. Is this what it feels like to be romantically involved with a man? No woman has ever made me feel this way. Why him and why now?
    “These feelings have come over me,” he said, continuing, “and I want to savor them. I have a strong connection with you, and it’s more than being a business associate. I’m drawn to you, Crystal. I was from the first day I saw you in a courtroom. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t want to lose it. I want to be with you, as a man and woman should be together.” He clasped her hand in both of his, squeezing. “Will you agree to be my woman?”
    “Tommy,” she said softly, a warmth moving through her, “I’ll need to think about this. I truly care for you, and it’s unusual for me to feel such an attachment to anyone. It’s wonderful yet unsettling. Being with you exclusively would completely change my life as I know it. It’s not a decision I can make in a hurry. Would it be okay if I thought about it for a while? If I say yes, I want to be sure. I don’t want to hurt you.”
    “Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.”
    She looked at him and her world seemed to shift. “You do make me feel more settled. I don’t feel so anxious.”
    “Anxious? What do you mean?”
    “Well, most of the time, I’m a bit flighty and always acting like I’m looking for something. With you, I’m not that way. I’m more relaxed.”
    Tommy moved closer and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “Maybe that’s because you’ve solved your dilemma. You’ve found what you’ve been looking for.”

Chapter Ten
    After a relaxing thirty minutes in the hot tub, Crystal and Tommy returned to the main house. “Come to my room,” she said, holding Tommy’s hand as they entered the house through the kitchen. “Let’s take a shower and cuddle up for a nap. I could use a bit of sleep after all that activity.”
    “And I could cuddle you close and wonder why I didn’t approach you sooner about getting to know you better.” He slipped his arm around her shoulder, hugging her tightly to his side.
    Crystal laughed. “I wish you would have. What took you so long?” They cut through the dining room and turned into the hall toward her bedroom suite.
    “You may be small, but you are intimidating,” Tommy said, smiling down at her.
    That made her laugh even harder. Once they entered her bedroom, she pulled from his embrace and went to her dresser. Pulling out a comfortable cotton sleep shirt, she crooked her finger at him as she walked toward her large bathroom. “Come wash my back.”
    He whipped off a snappy salute. “Sure thing, boss.”
    Crystal giggled and moved to the shower, turning on the water. It wasn’t long before the bathroom was steamy. Both of them undressed and stepped beneath the soothing spray. With soapy hands, they cleaned every inch of each other, enjoying every minute of it. Crystal sighed when Tommy smoothed the bar of soap carefully over each breast, taking time to circle her nipples before moving down to lather the sweet spot between her legs. “You keep that up and this will become more than just a shower.” She rested her forearms on his shoulders as he bent down in front of her to run the soap the length of her right leg.
    “I can’t help it. I love your tight, compact, little body.” He kissed her just above her belly button, causing her to gasp. “And I like hearing that sound,” he said, grinning up at her. He rose up and turned her around so that her back was to him. “I want to hear it twenty times a day.” He kissed the top of

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