all those with elevated temps.” Amanda didn’t even realize that she was shaking her head until the director responded.
    “You disagree?” he asked.
    She fidgeted under his cool gaze . He wasn’t necessarily challenging . But he wasn’t exactly being supportive , either.
    Finally, Amanda let out her breath and straightened her shoulders . “Sir, we need to discontinue all incoming European flights and ships.”
    It was Henderson’s turn to shake his head . H owever , Devlin spoke first . “We don’t want to create a panic.”
    Thank G od it was Devlin. She could snap back at him. “Um, with all due respect, yes , I think we do.”
    The director looked at his assistant . “She is a member of my staff, right?”
    “Sir,” Amanda said, beginning to feel her face flush. “The risk is — ”
    This time, Henderson wasn’t joking at all . “As I said, we will quarantine anyone, and I mean anyone , with a ninety-eight point nine degree temperature.”
    “But — ”
    MacVetti overrode her . “Fever is the first and best indicator for the early contagious phase.”
    While Amanda appreciated her supervisor trying to protect her , even from herself, in this she could hold her own . Well, at least she hoped so.
    “In a sick patient, yes.” She paused before she really shook the room . What if she were wrong ? But this was too important . More important than even her nearly paralyzing social phobia.
    “But in a carrier?” Amand a pressed. “No. In a carrier state, temperature monitoring is useless.”
    The room held a quizzical breath . What she spoke of was beyond unreasonable . It was unheard of.
    Devlin just seemed confused , though . “Um, it was my impression that there was no carrier state with the plague.”
    “Naturally ? There isn’t.”
    It was clear by his tone that MacVetti was tiring of her theories . “Then why — ? ”
    Amanda hurried on . “But someone who is vaccinated and physically carrying the virus on their person ? On their clothes ? That person will walk right through your screening.”
    Devlin snorted loudly, seeming to convey the entire room’s disdain. Yet, somehow Henderson kept his tone civil .
    “That would require someone to actually have a vaccine for the Black Plague.”
    Amanda shrugged , trying not to reveal her innards quivering . “It’s bacterial . It can be done.”
    MacVetti looked her square in the eye . Each glance told her to sit down and shut up . “Do you have any idea of the resources it would take to develop a human - quality vaccine ? And do it under our radar?”
    Amanda couldn’t stand the mix of disappointment and anger brewing in MacVetti’s eyes . She look ed down at her hands to keep from crying — right there in front of everyone . Why couldn’t someone with a backbone think of this ? Why did it have to be her?
    Henderson stood . “My recommendations stand.”
    The director was almost out of the room when Amanda finally spoke up . “They already have it.”
    MacVetti’s head snapped around to face her . “What are you talking about?”
    “The vaccine…” She gulped not once, but twice . “I think they already have one.”
    Devlin rolled his eyes . “Okay, now I’m ready to check her credentials.”
    But, yet again, Jennifer rose to the rescue by providing visual aids . This new map showed the original spread of the plague , but it centered on areas untouched by the incredibly high death count.
    “It has long been a subject of debate on how these isolated population pockets survived the plague, virtually unscathed.”
    MacVetti ’s cheeks billowed . He was beyond pissed . “Not so much debate as a conclusion that they carried a gene that conferred natural resistance.”
    Jennifer didn’t need prompting . H er assistant was already bringing up a second map that showed a slightly different spread of the plague . The isolated pockets weren’t as crisp , and there , many more small enclaves of survivors .
    Amanda used a laser pointer to

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