highlight the new clusters of survivors . “These other pockets are areas of residence of direct, full-blooded relatives of those who survived.” Devlin tried to interrupt , but she talked right over him . “Which was determined through tracking of church records, inheritance documents, and lordship titles.”
    She nodded to her assistant , who brought up a wholly different map . This one showed a schematic of an area in Southeast Asia . Quickly , an unidentified disease coursed over the continent , leaving behind small pockets of survivors, much like the plague map.
    “Out of all the documented epidemics, this cholera outbreak is the only one whose pattern is at all similar to the Black Plague ‘islands’ of survival.”
    MacVetti sighed . “Like I said, genetic resistance.”
    Amanda shook her head with authority . “This isn’t the fourteenth - century outbreak of influenza. I t’s the 1970 pandemic.” She zoomed in on the pockets of survival . “These ‘islands’ represent areas with heavy Western influence s— and medical workers who were vaccinated .”
    Now MacVetti ’s bluster wasn’t anger . I t was confusion . “But for the plague… There’s no way…Vaccination theory didn’t even come into play for another… Another…”
    “Four hundred years,” Henderson finished for him.
    Shrugging, Amanda switched to the plague map . “Nevertheless, my theory is that a terrorist organization that far predates the Islamic extremists has vaccinated carriers spreading the disease across the world.”
    The entire room quieted as a new map showed the potential spread of the disease with the planet’s current population . Soon , the screen just glowed a bright red .
    * * *
    Lino pretended to stumble and right himself on the overhead compartment . The pilot had turned off the “Fasten S eat B elt ” sign, and Lino had taken the opportunity to make sure that his mission was successful . Certainly , seeding the railing and passengers behind him in line had gone according to plan, but he had not gotten this assignment at such a young and tender age because he only did an adequate job .
    His superiors knew that he would go to any length s to see that this disease spread among the heathens . The unworthy . So he dragged his slightly moist hand along the overhead compartment . Anyone he missed earlier would certainly need to touch the lever to get his or her bags out at the end of the flight . The people would unwittingly contaminat e themselves .
    That was the simple beauty of their plan . The unenlightened masses were such sheep . They grazed the same pasture . They followed along in a single line . They could so easily be led to the slaughterhouse .
    Finally , the e arth would be cleansed of the undeserving.
    Lino finished his journey to the forward bathroom and entered , b eing particularly careful to lock the door . No one needed to see what he did next . With skill approaching art, Lino meticulously took a hidden blade from his metal belt buckle and carved into his skin his most recent success . He let the blood drain into the sink , as he made absolutely certain the symbols were perfect in all ways .
    That was the way of the Hidden Hand , after all.

    Special Agent Zachary Hunt’s Home
    10:32 p . m ., MST
    Zach pulled into his driveway, still talking on his cell . He might have left work physically, but mentally ? Mentally , he was still all over the case.
    “That’s what you said last time, Warp.”
    “But we’re super - sure that we can locate her the next time she calls.”
    Entering the house, Zach turned on the hallway light and started sorting the mail . “We’ll see.”
    “You’ll see ! We’ve got taps on your home phone, your cell, and all three phones at the Starbucks…”
    While Warp rambled on, Zach carefully removed any item of mail with Julia Levie’s name on it and set it inside a box . A box filled with the remains of their relationship . A

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