On This Foundation

Free On This Foundation by Lynn Austin

Book: On This Foundation by Lynn Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Austin
Tags: FIC042030, FIC014000, FIC026000
the city where my fathers are buried lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire?”
    He was careful not to name Jerusalem. And he didn’t know where the idea to mention his ancestors’ graves had come from, but he knew the Persians had a deep respect for ancestral burial grounds. The king frowned slightly, gazing intently at Nehemiah as if really seeing him for the first time—as a man andnot simply a servant who worked in the background. Nehemiah tried to read his thoughts but couldn’t. He waited, weak-kneed, recalling the words of Solomon’s proverb: “A king’s wrath is a messenger of death.”
    The throne room fell silent, the mumbling chatter of the courtiers stilled as if a gong had rung. How dare a mere cupbearer speak his mind or reveal his feelings? Nehemiah could hear birds chirping outside the palace windows and the rustling of the wind. He felt as if he hung suspended over an abyss as he waited for King Artaxerxes’ reply. Would he plunge to his death or be hauled back to safety? O Lord, grant me favor in the presence of this man , he prayed again. His fate wasn’t in this king’s hands but in his heavenly King’s.
    â€œWhat is it you want?” Artaxerxes finally asked.
    Nehemiah breathed another silent prayer and replied, “If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so I can rebuild it.”
    Artaxerxes took a sip from his golden rhyton of wine before replying. Nehemiah thought he knew the king’s moods and idiosyncrasies well after spending so much time in his presence and watching him respond to hundreds of petitions and requests. He didn’t think the puzzled frown on his face was a look of anger, but of curiosity. Even so, Nehemiah couldn’t seem to breathe.
    â€œHow long will your journey take, and when will you get back?” the king finally asked.
    â€œYou mean . . . it pleases the king to send me?” Nehemiah asked.
    â€œYes. It pleases me. You’ve served me faithfully all these years, and you have my complete trust. I know the servants you choose to replace you will also serve me well until you return.”
    Nehemiah’s breath came out in a rush of relief. It was amiracle! The Almighty One had answered his prayer. The king’s unexpected praise fueled Nehemiah’s courage, and he quickly set a time period for his mission. But then his mind raced ahead to the dangers he would face and the precautions he would need to take to ensure success. Judah’s adversaries might try to prevent him from arriving safely. And Hanani had explained how their enemies had halted construction on the city once before. “If it pleases the king,” he said, “may I have letters to the governors of The Land Beyond the River, so they will provide me with safe conduct until I arrive in Judah?”
    â€œYou may.”
    It still didn’t seem like enough. Nehemiah remembered Jerusalem’s history and how the northern approach to the city where the temple stood was vulnerable to enemy attacks. He would need to build a fortified citadel on that side. And he would need to rebuild all of Jerusalem’s gates. “May I also have a letter to Asaph, the keeper of the king’s forest,” he added, “so he will give me timber to make beams for the gates of the citadel near the temple, and for the city wall, and for the residence I will occupy?”
    â€œYour requests are granted,” Artaxerxes replied. “In fact, I’ve decided to appoint you governor of Judah during your time there.”
    Governor? It was more than Nehemiah could have dared to ask for. He bowed his head. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
    â€œI’ll assign an army officer and cavalry to accompany you. . . . And, Nehemiah—good luck.” The king nodded to his administrator to take over.

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