Blood Shadows

Free Blood Shadows by Tessa Dawn

Book: Blood Shadows by Tessa Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Dawn
Tags: Vampires
the Blood Moon, Marquis insisted. There is no way to prove your theory. Marquis Silivasi was a brilliant tactician and thus, a male of logic. He preferred to stick to the facts—and only the facts.
    Kagen said. True…and false,
    True because? Nathaniel prompted before Marquis could argue.
    Because only the Celestial deities know the true identity of each male’s destiny : Marquis is right about that.
    And false…why? Nathaniel prompted.
    Because every woman destined to be the mate of one of our males is both chosen—and marked—by the gods before birth. As we all know, they are human but not. They are compatible to us through their—
    Celestial DNA, Marquis supplied the answer. Have you tested her blood yet?
    Doing it as we speak, Kagen responded.
    And if it’s positive, Nathaniel quipped, then we know for sure that she is a human destiny , but we still don’t have proof that she belongs specifically to Nachari.
    Correct, Kagen said.
    Marquis sighed. If it’s positive, then the combination of physical corroboration and circumstantial evidence is adequate for me.
    Kagen rolled his eyes: And Marquis was always ordering everyone else to speak plainly? Yes, he said. Good enough for me, too. Certainly enough for us to act upon.
    Keep her detained, Marquis said adamantly, issuing the statement as a direct order. We will be there immediately.
    Actually, give me ten minutes, Nathaniel said.
    You will not take ten minutes—you will go now, Marquis barked.
    Marquis… Nathaniel sounded slightly exasperated.
    Chill, big brother , Kagen added. It can wait ten minutes. It’ll take me a little while to finish analyzing this sample anyhow, and I’d like to collect the rest of those drawings as soon as I’m done.
    Five minutes, Marquis said, brooking no arguments.
    Kagen shrugged. Marquis was intense as usual, but it did make sense…sort of. If Deanna was Nachari’s destiny , then her life was Nachari’s life. She could not be permitted to leave their sight, and she certainly needed protection from their enemies while they sorted things out. Marquis was no-nonsense about those kinds of matters, especially since the loss of Shelby, and there was nothing anyone was going to say or do to change his perspective. Very well , Kagen said. I’ll see you both in five minutes.
    Nathaniel chuckled, his laid-back, relaxed manner emerging in the end. As you have spoken, Master Warrior , he said, using the formal language of the house of Jadon to goad Marquis.
    I see no humor in this, Nathaniel, Marquis replied.
    Ahh , Nathaniel quipped. And this surprises me…not at all.
    And then they all grew quiet…
    Because it occurred to each of them at the same time that this was the point where Nachari would have stepped in with his lighthearted humor, had he been there, to tease Marquis relentlessly. Perhaps he would have suggested that Marquis seek professional help; or maybe he would have sought to appease Nathaniel with some off-handed story about some silly command Marquis had given him in the past. One way or another, Nachari would have made light of the whole situation, bonding the brothers together with humor, while smoothing over the rough edges, because that was what he did.
    Nachari was the peacemaker.
    The calm within the storm.
    And he brought the warmth of the sun into their tight-knit family. At times like these, his absence was felt profoundly. And didn’t that just bring Marquis’s domineering protectiveness back into perspective for all of them?
    I will be there in five, Marquis , Nathaniel repeated, piercing the silence. This time, his tone was both acquiescent and respectful. Be well, Master Warrior , he added with formality.
    And you, Nathaniel, Marquis responded in kind.
    Brothers, Kagen said in parting.
    And then he closed the telepathic connection.

    Marquis Silivasi sat back in the large leather armchair in the clinic’s waiting room across from the terrified woman and crossed his muscular arms. They had been at

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