At the Cowboy's Mercy

Free At the Cowboy's Mercy by Emma Jay

Book: At the Cowboy's Mercy by Emma Jay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Jay
scooped the cat and her kittens into it, then stretched out on the bed next to Kennedy. Her eyelids fluttered, then opened wide. She started to get up, but he looped his hand over her waist, pinning her to the mattress, then leaned in for a kiss. She protested softly against his lips, then melted into him. He coasted his hand down to squeeze her ass gently through her jeans, and was rewarded when she pressed her hips against his.  
    With a grunt of approval, he rolled her onto her back, positioning himself between her legs, and rubbed his erection against her mound. She gasped into his mouth and arched into him. He slipped one hand between them and pushed up her t-shirt, stroking her breast through the lace of her bra. The sound she made, low in her throat, sent a stab of lust through him. He trailed his fingertips down the sides of her waist, making her squirm, before he unbuttoned her jeans and peeled them down with her underwear. She whipped her shirt over her head and lay back on the pillow, legs parted, watching him watch her.  
    The desire to drive her crazy for him overwhelmed him, and he traced patterns up the insides of her thighs. Her hips bucked the closer he got to her pussy, so he floated his fingers back down. This time the sound she made was frustration, and she parted her legs wider to entice him. He repeated the caress, his focus on the creamy pink flesh beneath the dark brown curls. Again he left her wanting, and watched her grow wetter.  
    "If you don't touch me, I'm going to do it myself," she warned in a husky voice.  
    For a moment, he got so light-headed, he thought he was going to pass out. "Yes," he managed.
    Her eyes widened and her hand on the mattress beside her hip trembled, but then she lifted it. Part of him wanted to take her hand and guide it, but another part wanted to see her take charge of her own pleasure. She skimmed her fingers through her curls, then one finger separated to caress her swollen clit, up and down, then around a few times.
    His cock pressed insistently against his fly, and he freed it with a few frantic moves, taking it in hand and stroking lightly as Kennedy reached to circle her opening, dipping inside to wet her finger with her cream, then back up to her clit. He glanced up to see she was watching him stroking himself. Her eyes were dark and her lips parted.  
    "Could you come like this?" he asked.
    "Mm. Could you?"
    "Would you let me come on you?" He could already see her belly wet with his come.
    Her hips arched again, almost of their own volition, and she nodded. He tightened his grip, shortened his strokes, as she toyed with her clit. He couldn't help himself--he grabbed her hand and brought it to her mouth, just to taste her, sucking her juices off her fingers before placing her hand back on her pussy. She grew bolder, dipping her fingers inside herself, two at a time, before stroking faster. Her cream coated her pretty pink flesh and--Christ.
    He reached into his pocket for a condom. After the time on the tractor, he wasn't going to be without one anymore.  
    "I have to be inside you," he said as he rolled it on and braced over her. "Don't stop touching yourself."
    He angled her hips and entered her slowly when he wanted to slam himself home. Her channel contracted around him as she continued to stroke herself, her entire body tensing.  
    "I'm close," she managed. "Luke, fuck me."
    "Don't stop," he said, cupping her hips and thrusting into her. Jesus, she was so wet. He fucked her, feeling her fingers pull at her flesh, catch the hair at his groin. Her body grew tighter and tighter, around him, beneath him, her fingers frantic. Then she shoved her hips against his with a cry, her cunt softening, pulsing around him as she met his thrusts. Her hand fell away as her body relaxed, but his need drove him, deeper, harder, the image of her pleasuring herself burning in his mind, fuel for lonely nights ahead.
    And then he emptied, going still, his come in long, hot

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