A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes

Free A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes by Witold Gombrowicz, Benjamin Ivry

Book: A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes by Witold Gombrowicz, Benjamin Ivry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Witold Gombrowicz, Benjamin Ivry
Tags: General, Reference, Philosophy, History & Surveys
that will be annihilated by the huge mass of the destitute.Marxists want to introduce the dictatorship of the proletariat, not democracy but dictatorship.
    What they call “popular democracy” is a camouflage.This dictatorship of the proletariat must definitively destroy the bourgeoisie and nationalize the means of production (mines, farmland, factories, industries, all forms of exploitation of the worker by the employer).
    In this first phase, that of dictatorship, it is the State which must dominate everything, to limit individual freedom and to introduce revolution into the world.In this first phase, each person will be paid according to his services.
    2.The second phase is the “celestial” phase of Marxism.
    It is a question of the gradual liquidation of the State.When human nature is changed, when wearrive at the standardization of consciousness, then, instead of a State, we shall have small “cooperative” organisms in which each person will freely adapt to a universal order based on justice: this is the DREAM of noble souls!In this idiotic phase, each person will be paid not according to his merits or services but according to his necessities.This is the postulate of justice, since every man has the right to live.
    This “radiant” phase will occur in a distant future, in an indeterminate time.
    Here is where the dialectic of Hegelian history enters, which is gradually going to achieve this transformation, as Marxism has quite a strong notion of imperfection.It knows that things can evolve only slowly and must pass through intermediary phases far from perfection.
    In this Marxist thought, the proletariat is a kind of saint, as well as being an elementary force.
    1.The proletariat has nothing to lose nor to keep.Everything to destroy.
    2.It has only necessities.It is not corrupted by values.
    3.It is a class with a universal character, at the very root of all social structure.
    4.It is a victim of economic production.
    The liberation of the proletariat by revolution is a fundamental condition of all social order.And it is the liberation of need as a source of values.
    A second time.We see here that Marxism is not an ideology or a truth, it is just simply the freedom from human needs as a source of values.
    The revolution, therefore, is going to free all men from natural needs, and on the basis of this freedom, the values will be created by themselves.It must be clearly understood that Marxism is not a revolution of ideas but rather a revolution between concrete men.It is a liberation of man.
    The new ideas: future thought is unpredictable and will be created by itself in this new human order.
    The politics: organization of action in order to reach a goal.
    Praxis is conscious, practical action.Accordingto Marx, thought must materialize in action.The idea must change itself into an historical force.
    Contemplation goes to hell.
    Marxism declares the impossibility of all non-materialized theory.
    Nietzsche, like Kant and Schopenhauer, was Polish! *
    Nietzsche: the nerves of Shelley, the stomach of Carlyle, and the soul of a young lady.
    Nietzsche’s immediate genealogy:Darwin (theory of evolution by struggle)Spencer (English philosopher, theory of evolution from simple to compound, multiple)Bismarck
    Nietzsche was not a philosopher in the strict sense: he wrote aphorisms, some notes.
    In order to understand Nietzsche, it is necessary to understand an idea as simple as that of raising cows.
    A cattleman is going to try to improve the species in such a way that he will let the weakest cows die and will keep the strongest cows and bulls for breeding.
    All of Nietzschean morality finds its basis here.
    The human race is like all the others; it is improved by a struggle and a natural selection done by life itself.
    Here we see the most sensational and the most provocative aspect of this philosophy: it is the opposition to Christianity, which, according to Nietzsche, was

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