Black Rose

Free Black Rose by Suzanne Steele

Book: Black Rose by Suzanne Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Steele
arousal. I purposely bring her right to the point of coming and stop.
    “Noooooo, please don’t stop,” she cries out.
    “Don’t you dare move your fucking hands from those bars. I will discipline you if you do, my love,” I growl.
    She watches as I peel my drawstring pants off and sheath my cock. I will be getting both of us tested so I can feel every inch of that hot little opening of hers. I purposely stand over her, staring at her, as I stroke my cock. When she attempts to turn her head away in embarrassment, I viciously grab a handful of her hair and force her to watch me.
    “I like embarrassing you, forcing you to do things you are uncomfortable with. I can promise you that you'll crave my cock like a drug by the time I’m finished with you. You will come to a point that you will enjoy begging me to defile and demean you.”
    I pin her legs back by her shoulders and watch her eyes cross as I push my hard, thick cock into her. She feels so good, so tight; it’s like she hasn’t been fucked in forever. I lift my upper body, raising myself above her and staring into her eyes. I begin teasing her by barely entering her opening and then I roughly ram into her like I want to split her open.
    “Rub that clit for me, baby girl.” The slap of my hand comes as a complete surprise to her as it hits her cheek when she hesitates. Now tears are streaming down her face as she obeys me, rubbing her clit as I fuck her like I hate her. My red handprint appears on her cheek and I feel no remorse, only a desire to fucking take her—heart and soul.
    “How can this feel so good?” She questions me like she can’t believe she’s getting off on my rough treatment of her.
    My sadistic laugh rings through the air as I inform her that there will come a time she will beg me for the brand of defilement and degradation she can only receive by my hand. I’m going to subject her to things she has never imagined and she is going to like it, crave it, and beg for it. Her days of sexual innocence are over. A new day of darkness is upon her.
    “Please let me come. Please, please…” Her cries pleading with me for mercy are music to my ears but I deliberately ignore her. I bend down and whisper in her ear, “No matter what I do to you, you better not move your hands from those bars.” I’m a man given over to his sadistic enjoyment of subjecting her to my torment.
    I watch as she vigorously nods her head up and down. Hell, she would agree to anything right now I have got her so worked up.
    “I’m going to lick that sweet, little pussy of yours now and I want you to come for me.” She groans in agony as I pull my cock from her. I know instinctively she feels empty without me filling her core.
    I push her legs back like I am diving into a smorgasbord and began alternating licking her slit, sucking on her clit, and fucking her with my tongue.
    By the time I shove two fingers up into her and begin pumping them back towards my direction, she is thrashing on the bed and telling me that she will do anything that I want.
    I stop and eye her, taunting her, “Are those hands still up there, girl? Oh yes, you will fucking do anything for me.” I know it and now she knows it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    “Yes, fuck yes. Don’t stop, pleeeeeeeze.”
    “That’s a good girl.” I go back to lapping and sucking at her juices until her very essence is pouring out of her and onto me.
    I roughly shove her legs back and thrust my cock into her once again. I’m so hard I feel like the skin on my cock is going to split open. She is holding onto those bars so tight, her knuckles are turning white.
    “I’m going to turn you into my dirty, filthy, little fuck toy. I’m going to use you whenever I want and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.” What she says next shocks me.
    “I want you to use me so you don’t have to fuck a different model every night.”
    “Your days of innocence are over, little girl.” She has no idea that I

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