himself lets go and comes with a groan.
10:55pm…Laura and Adam straighten the bedding and the pillows.
10:57pm…Laura retrieves her nightgown.
10:58pm…Adam switches the TV channel to the local news station and sets the timer.
11:00pm…Laura murmurs goodnight to her husband and rolls over, falling asleep almost immediately.
Chapter 1
“Jonathan! Put that down.” Adam Burns’s voice rang out over the playground and encouraged a rambunctious fourth-grader to rethink his strategy regarding the large stick he’d just picked up.
A chuckle from beside him caught his attention. “Adam, you were made to be a teacher, you know that?
Carolee Hanson was standing next to him, watching the interplay.
“Why? Because I can make myself heard across the sound of two million children at play?” Adam’s eyebrow rose skeptically.
“No. Because you’re a born dominator. A natural.”
Adam felt a little tingle run up his spine. “Carolee, that is a really bizarre thing to say…”
“No it’s not. You’ve been teaching here for four years. You have the best rapport with the kids of just about any teacher I know. You care about them, you guide them and you use your strength to encourage them to do better. It’s a Dom thing.”
Adam laughed. “There you go again. Dom…sub, I swear Carolee, your husband must be either the happiest man on the face of this earth or the most confused.” It was polite, it was social, and it didn’t reveal a damn thing about what was going on inside Adam Burns.
At least he sincerely hoped not.
He thought that while the teacher’s room could withstand the slightly risqué conversation of Carolee Hanson and her fascination with fetishes, the knowledge that they had a full-fledged, although non-practicing, Dom in their midst might rattle a few cages.
And it had been many years. Too many years.
His wife didn’t even know, for heaven’s sake.
His wife. A bitter taste in his mouth soured his thoughts. He loved Laura more than life itself, but he was afraid that something was wrong. Something was slowly stifling their passion and driving them to mundane existences within their marriage.
It was all going wrong and he had no idea how to fix it.
The bell rang ending recess, and Adam followed Carolee back into the building, returning to his classroom and the sight of twenty-five sweaty little faces. Twenty-five little mental sponges, eager to soak up the knowledge he was supposed to impart to them.
Sometimes, he felt wonder at the sight of a child finally grasping a difficult concept and he would go home happy, knowing he was in the right place at the right time.
Other days would be pointless, endless frustration, with kids who were either sick, or irritable, or hot or cold, or just flat not in the mood to learn.
Those were the days he really missed going home and enjoying a good workout with his flogger.
* * * * *
Laura Stratton-Burns smiled coolly at the man on her right as he politely passed her the brochure.
Her navy blue pinstriped suit was crisp, her white silk blouse felt soft against her neck, and she knew she was completely in command of herself and this meeting.
Four of the top lawyers from Stratton-Burns, Howard and Mills were seated at the large conference table, along with two administrative assistants and Laura’s own right hand person, Mark Ffitch.
The subject under discussion was the adoption of a brochure to be circulated at the upcoming Metropolitan Legal Conference. Such things were of grave import to the sober souls at S-B, H and M.
Laura did her best not to drift, but she’d been over this matter at least ten times prior to the meeting, had given her formal seal of approval and was only here as a token of her support for the graphics department.
“Well, Laura, it looks like we have a winner here.” Saul Edelstein smiled at her.
“I agree, Saul. This should definitely make its mark at the conference, and I’m very pleased at the effort that the