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Book: Nightbringer by James Byron Huggins Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Byron Huggins
waited until the Hall outside the corridors seemed to retreat before the first frantic light of dawn. Waited until the light was dangerously bright, though the humans who stirred long before sunrise were still far in coming. But to remain here any longer was a risk and, somehow, he knew ...
    The man was gone.
    Long had he exercised strict discipline and patience in the kill and so he did not expect the tendrils of anger that bled slowly, inexorably, from the dark abyss of its center. But the anger did bleed until his taloned hands clenched and unclenched in murderous, frustrated rhythm.
    Fang sharpened fang and it struggled to contain the volcanic rage, to not lift its head for a single, challenging roar—a roar that would have been understood by only one other creature within these walls.
    But it did not roar.
    The time was not yet right.
    No, it would not roar, for to roar and unleash its hate would signal the barest bone of weakness. So its fangs clamped like a vise, shutting down the release of rage. And with a snarl it glared once more into the empty corridors.
    The man was gone!
    No, no, no, no …
    NO !
    It roared.
    Josh and Rachel sat upright at the same moment, staring at the stone wall before them.
    One second later Gina hit her feet and was moving and one second after that her hand closed on the grip of her pistol. She instantly spun and raised a hand to the kids as they opened their mouths but she was too late to prevent the triple series of screams and then they were scrambling across the bed into her arms.
    " What was that !" cried Josh.
    Gina said nothing as voices and heavy footsteps in the corridor beyond approached and then a fist was pounding on the door. A chorus of shouts and commands erupted and Gina quickly pushed the kids behind her.
    She snatched open the door and leaped back, the SIG leveled directly into the door as it crashed open.
    It took one heartbeat for those entering to see her crouching ten feet away in a shooting stance and then Gina saw a host of bodies—the monsignor, Molke, Father Stephen—as they backed up in surprise before trying to enter the room, colliding and shoving one another to be first. At the last, it was Monsignor DeMarco—wearing an old-fashioned sleeping robe—who hurled the hulking German aside to beat him through the narrow entryway.
    "It's all right!" he gasped.
    Gina lowered the SIG. "W as that an animal?"
    Holding his hand over his chest, dressed similarly to the monsignor, Father Stephen caught a breath. "We don't know! I was concerned for your safety!" He cautiously pointed at the SIG. "Is that a gun?"
    "I'm an FBI agent."
    Together they stared.
    Gina added, "On vacation."
    "Yes, of course." Father Stephen turned to rushing feet. "Melanchthon! Barnabas! What are you doing here?"
    "The guests!" pronounced Melanchthon. He lifted the torch high, gazing upon Gina. Then he looked past her and saw the children and Gina was actually moved when the gloom-and-doom monk visibly released a sigh of relief.
    "Barnabas!" Father Stephen clutched the old man's shoulder. "You've been at the abbey the longest! What was that sound?"
    Barnabas squinted angrily. His frown deepened. Then he turned sharply, stepped into the hall, and lifted a Roman sword from the wall. His voice was indifferent. "I will go see what it was."
    Gina stepped forward. "Whoa! Hang on a minute!" She held up a hand for patience. "I really hate to say this but if there's a wild animal loose in this place, I'm the only one qualified to deal with it."
    "Why do you say that?" asked Stephen.
    "Because I'm trained in building searches and field survival techniques. Not just anyone—and I don't mean to imply anything at all—can do this safely. Plus, I have to insure the welfare of my children. And last, I'm the only one with a gun."
    "Well give the gun to Barnabas!"
    Gina blinked. " I don't think so !"
    Michael waded into the room. He had obviously dressed hastily. He focused on Stephen. "You guys ever

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