Homefront: The Voice of Freedom

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Book: Homefront: The Voice of Freedom by John Milius and Raymond Benson Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Milius and Raymond Benson
remind you that for the time being you must lay low and not attract attention. Procedures for Operation Water Snake are underway. Once the KPA has established footholds in the United States, you will be contacted to report to Military Command to receive further instructions. I trust no other operative to take charge of Operation Water Snake. I have attached coded, classified documents for you to study. I suggest you become familiar with the complete geography, from the north to the south of the Mississippi River.
    I hope to speak to you soon, Salmusa. Keep safe.
    Salmusa felt honored and gratified. He knew all about Operation Water Snake, but he had no idea Kim Jong-un would choose him to implement it. It was an important step in the exploitation of the United States for Korean gain. The undertaking was also complex and dangerous.
    He immediately downloaded the documents and printed them. He had hours to kill, but it was best to get started. As the pages emerged from the printer, Salmusa heard gunshots outside the house. He stood and walked to the bedroom window, which faced the street. He carefully pulled back the curtain to see what was going on.
    Two policemen on horseback rode by, obviously chasing someone. One of the officers held a handgun.
    Salmusa had seen the police in the neighborhood. Since most cars didn’t run, many of the cops had taken to riding horses in the streets to try and maintain law and order. It was a losing battle. Even though the safe house was located in a relatively affluent area of Van Nuys, looters, vandals, and thieves were everywhere. Posted decrees warned that anyone caught attempting to break into a home would be shot on sight.
    The Korean shook his head and moved away from the window. He took the pages from the printer, sat, and began studying.

    JANUARY 20, 2025
    I don’t know how to put into words the things I’ve seen over the past three days. I haven’t attempted to write in the journal since the EMP blast because I’ve been too busy trying to find out what the fuck is going on
    That’s right, an EMP blast. An electromagnetic pulse, caused by a thermonuclear explosion. No one knows much right now, and there’s no way to get news from other parts of the country, but the word on the street is that the Koreans did it. I’d say that’s as good a guess as any. I can’t think of anyone else who’d have the balls to do such a thing. I’ve been saying for years that Kim Jong-un and his “Greater Korean Republic” was Public Enemy #1. Our stupid government acknowledged the threat but they never really did anything about it. To be fair, they probably couldn’t. Our country just didn’t have the might and influence it once had
    Anyway, the first day—January 16—was a horror story. All of America panicked, I imagine. Los Angeles certainly did. In the morning, people woke up to the shock of their lives. Imagine this—there’s no electricity, no running water, and you can’t flush a toilet. Your car won’t start because all the circuitry is fried. Telephones don’t work—neither cellphones nor
landlines. Gas stoves and heaters don’t work. Needless to say, you can’t check e-mail, get online, or turn on your computer. And that’s just in the privacy of your home. Outside it’s a nightmare beyond your wildest dreams
    You try to go to work, if you have—or had—a job, and you walk, hitchhike, or just don’t go. If you make it there, you find out your place of employment is closed due to lack of power. So you go to the ATM to get some cash, and guess what? ATMs don’t work either. Your money is stuck, FROZEN inside the bank, which, of course, is closed
    You walk to the nearest grocery store and find that, miraculously, it’s open. Police are attempting to keep hundreds of customers in a line that stretches around the block. They take cash only. Credit cards are worthless. Unruly folks get hit with a baton. Best to stay away. Besides, everything

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