Touch me if you dare: Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Secret Matchmaker Book 2)

Free Touch me if you dare: Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Secret Matchmaker Book 2) by L.N. Pearl, S.K. Lee

Book: Touch me if you dare: Alpha Billionaire Romance (The Secret Matchmaker Book 2) by L.N. Pearl, S.K. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.N. Pearl, S.K. Lee
1 - Lila
    Asher's request shocked me into silence as I sat in his car. We were supposed to be discussing my matchmaking abilities and whether I would be able to help him find a wife. The fact that we had accidentally bumped into each other the night before at the club and had incredible, mind-blowing sex was beyond the point.
    His voice played through my head. "Long hot nights of fabulous sex when I want them. Anytime I want them. Slow passionate hours in the shower and you on your knees under my desk when I need to let off some steam."
    He wanted more. Obviously. Damn... so did I.
    I forced an ugly expression onto my face, trying hard to appear more appalled by his request than I actually was. The tingles in the center of my stomach wouldn't be discovered by him anytime soon. Sex led to feelings and feelings led to love. Not interested.
    He was too dangerous, with his sandy blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. A man with the body of a god and a cock befitting a large animal was not at all what I needed in my life right now. Or ever.
    Why can't you just keep it casual? Just do it and enjoy yourself.
    "No comment?" He smirked and let his foot off the brake, jerking us forward through the stop light that had shifted to yellow. The angry sound of car horns behind us were lost on me as I struggled to breathe normally while keeping my composure.
    "You're looking for a wife, Mr. Harrington." I was going to try reasoning with the handsome billionaire. That seemed appropriate, since I was more than willing to take him up on his offer and had no morals of my own.
    "It's Asher, Lila. Don't push me into a box and label me as a client. You and I had an incredible night last night. I know I wasn't the only one left wanting more." He glanced over at me and I turned to look out the passenger side window as my nipples reacted, hardening painfully.
    "It was great," I mumbled and tried to figure out how the hell I was going to get out of my current dilemma. My mind tried, but my hormones kicked every possibility I came up with just beyond my reach.
    "It was well beyond great, but maybe it was just me." His voice softened a little and I glanced back over at him.
    "Ok, it was incredible. The best I've ever had." I shrugged. No denying the truth. He knew how to please a woman and he was generous with his efforts.
    "So. You'll do it?" He glanced toward me before reaching over and taking my hand.
    I followed his movements and waited for the worry of losing him someday to stab at me. It didn't. Maybe I was maturing a little.
    "Just sex?"
    "Yes, and the occasional event. Nothing more than two new friends going out to schmooze the world." He chuckled and wrapped his strong fingers around mine, resting our hands on his thigh. "You'll have to work with me on finding a wife and I'll be working with you on finding a great location, but other than those things... just really hot sex, and a lot of it."
    I stifled a groan and sucked my lip into my mouth as my body grew wet in all the right places. It would be ignorant to turn down the opportunity to have someone so successful and business-minded help me build my dreams on solid ground.
    "Alright." I tugged my hand from his and pulled the mirror down in front of me, checking my lips. "I'm in, but I have rules."
    "Lay ‘em on me." He turned the corner and pulled up in front of my building.
    "Not now," I said, unbuckling my seat belt. "I'll see you at your office in the morning. I need to assess you in your natural environments, in order to come to a better understanding of what you like and what you don't. My rules are irrelevant for now."
    "Sounds reasonable.” His smirk tugged at something inside of me.
    “Explain to me again how this arrangement is okay for you. As I said moments ago and you casually ignored, you're looking for a wife. Men looking for a wife aren’t usually playing the field."
    I stiffened as he moved across the car toward me. His fingers brushed by my cheek and I couldn't help but lean

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