Chapter & Hearse

Free Chapter & Hearse by Lorna Barnett

Book: Chapter & Hearse by Lorna Barnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorna Barnett
that housed their stores, but the landowners—Bob Kelly in particular—passed the property tax expense on to their leaseholders.
    “Let me guess,” Tricia said, “I’ll bet you ladies rent your home.”
    “How did you know?” Muriel asked with a smile.
    “Just a lucky guess.
    “Why couldn’t the Milford police just patrol Stoneham, too? They already take care of Amherst and other surrounding towns,” Tricia pointed out.
    “That wouldn’t do,” Midge said, “not when Stoneham is such a large tourist draw. People come to visit from all over New England and the mid-Atlantic states.”
    “Yes, but those people aren’t paying property taxes,” Tricia pointed out.
    “Well, why should they? They don’t live here.”
    “That’s exactly my point,” Tricia said.
    “Do you need a pen, dear?” Muriel asked. Had she even been following this last portion of the conversation?
    Tricia shook her head and grabbed a pen from the mug by the side of the register, and signed the petition. She handed the clipboard back to Midge.
    “Thank you so much,” Muriel gushed. “Come, sister, we must go next door to the Cookery. I want to buy that cookbook by that local author named Angelica Miles. They say she’s going to be the next Paula Deen.”
    “Wait, don’t you want my employees to sign your petition?” Tricia asked.
    Midge giggled. “Dear, they already have.” The sisters gave Tricia a smile and a wave, and headed out the door.
    Ginny was behind the coffee station, tidying up, and Tricia called her over. “You signed a petition to restore a Stoneham police department?”
    “Yeah, the Dexter sisters nailed me at the convenience store early this morning. They got Mr. Everett in the parking lot before he came in.”
    “Did you know they consider me the cause of most of the crime in Stoneham?”
    “Um . . . yes, they may have mentioned that. I defended you, of course.”
    “And what did they say?” Tricia asked.
    “That you’re . . . a jinx.”
    Tricia’s hands clenched and she winced. “Am I never going to live that down?”
    “Tricia, you’re in New England. People around here have long memories.”
    “But I never caused anyone’s death,” she protested.
    “I know . . . that’s why they only consider you a jinx, not a murderer. Look at it this way,” Ginny said, “if Stoneham has its own police force, you’ll never have to meet up with Sheriff Adams ever again.”
    “As it is, I’ve been lucky not to meet up with her for months.”
    “It’s a win-win situation,” Ginny said.
    “As a homeowner, how much do you think your taxes will go up?”
    It was Ginny’s turn to wince. “Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. But then, I’m losing my house to foreclosure. Why did you sign the petition?”
    “It was a reasonable request. I know several times I haven’t called the Sheriff’s Department to report things because I didn’t want to wait for a deputy to show up. Maybe with a police presence, crime will go down. Not that it’s really a problem. Most of our shoplifters aren’t from Stoneham—they’re visitors to the village.”
    “That’s right,” Ginny said. “But the taxpayers won’t pass the measure, anyway. I mean, they’ve turned it down the last four years. I wouldn’t worry about it.”
    “Oh, I’m not worried,” Tricia said. But then another thought crossed her mind. If Stoneham had its own force, was she likely to see Captain Baker again?
    It was a disconcerting thought. They weren’t an item, and probably never would be. But she liked him. She enjoyed seeing him on an irregular basis.
    With their conversation at an end, Ginny returned to the coffee station to tidy up.
    Tricia fingered the chain around her neck. So she might never see Grant Baker again. All things came to an end—just like her relationship with Christopher.
    That didn’t mean she had to like it.


    The day wore on. Customers came—and customers went. Finally, the hands on the clock crept toward

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