Alex Dawson
    Copyright 2014 Alex Dawson. All rights reserved.
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    “Tina? Where are you going?” a little girl’s voice whispered.
    Tina winced.
    “Laura, shh,” she hissed, “I’m getting out of here, you know I can’t live here any more.”
    Her favorite sister, seven years old and big-eyed, just stared at her. Laura was wearing an old nightgown and carrying her teddy bear, but Tina was wearing a pair of - forbidden - jeans and a sweater, with a bag slung over her back.
    “Please take me with you, Tina,” she said, “I can get packed in ten minutes, I promise!”
    Tina hesitated.
    “Kiddo, you know I love you, but I’m eighteen now, if I leave, they can’t stop me, but if I take you with me, that’s kidnapping,” she whispered, “I’d go to jail.”
    If Laura had argued or complained, Tina would have turned and bolted out the door. Instead, the little girl nodded and started to silently cry, one tear rolling down her cheek.
    “Oh, sweetheart,” Tina said, “Get your stuff and come back down here, but you have to hurry, this might be our only chance to get out of here.”
    As the little girl ghosted up the stairs back towards the bedroom she shared with the littlest children in the house, Tina shut her eyes and leaned against the wall, heart hammering, trying to convince herself that she could get away with taking Laura away from their family.
    When she heard a squeak on the tread of the stairs, she looked up, ready to flee out the door without her sister if it was their mother, but it was Laura, wearing her favorite calico jumper, clutching her pillowcase, which was stuffed full. Tina could see the outline of a book straining the fabric, but mostly it appeared to be full of clothing.
    She reached out her hand and Laura took it when she’d gotten down the staircase, handing Tina her makeshift sack.
    “Where are your shoes?” Tina hissed.
    “They’re in my bag, they’re loud on the steps,” Laura breathed.
    Tina nodded. It would have to do.
    Both girls tiptoed to the front door and Tina reached her hand out to slide the first bolt that would let them escape.
    They held their breath, but nothing happened other than a faint click.
    Tina quickly unlocked the other chains and bolts.
    When she turned the handle of the door, hardly daring to believe that it could be that easy, she heard a sound behind her.
    When she turned, she winced. It was Clarissa, the sister closest to her in age… and the sister closest to their mother.
    “Please, Sissy, please don’t say anything,” Tina whispered loudly. Tears filled her eyes as she begged her sister not to give her - give them, with Laura - away.
    Clarissa opened her mouth and expanded her lungs.
    “Mother,” she yelled, “Tina’s running away!”
    “RUN,” Tina bawled at Laura, flinging the front door open and jerking the little girl’s arm to pull her away as they ran out the door and down the front steps.
    They ran, holding hands, down the front walk and turned sharply, heading down the block towards the next street. Tina struggled to keep ahold

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