Stone - Big Girls & Bad Boys

Free Stone - Big Girls & Bad Boys by D. H. Cameron

Book: Stone - Big Girls & Bad Boys by D. H. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. H. Cameron
Suddenly, Stone’s hand reached back and smacked my ass.  I squealed in surprise and delight.
    “I love you too,” I said with a bit of sarcasm in my voice.  I meant it...or I was getting there anyway.  The attraction was undeniable.  But every couple must face something, big or small, that makes or breaks them.  Something that brings them closer together or tears them apart.  We were about to face our test, Stone and I.  If I’d known, I’d have put money on it bringing us closer together.
    Later that week Stone and I decided it was time to make an appearance at the clubhouse.  I didn’t want Bobby to control my life, he’d done enough of that, but we agreed it was better to let the air clear.  It appeared at first that it had.  Bobby and his new bimbo...that’s not very nice considering she was probably as cowed by him as I was...were there along with Dusty and Enrique.  Ginger sat at the bar tapping her fingers.  Rocky was slumped forward with a beer in his hands looking totally beaten.
    Stone greeted the guys as he passed them to grab a beer.  He grabbed one for me too as I took a seat next to Ginger.  Stone asked if anyone needed a fresh one and Rocky simply raised his hand.  Stone gave me my beer and kissed my cheek as he passed, handed a beer to Rocky and grabbed his seat.  “Someone die?” Stone asked as he popped his bottle cap with the bottle opener that resided on the table now for Stone’s use.
    “Just discussing club business,” Bobby replied without a hint of attitude.  Maybe he wasn’t as immature as I assumed.  Or maybe he didn’t miss me all that much in the first place.  Either way, I was just happy he wasn’t causing a scene.  Bobby began talking to Rocky but I ignored him and turned to Ginger.
    “What’s going on?  Looks serious,” I asked her.  Ginger sighed and took a swig of her beer.  “What?” I pressed.  Ginger took another sip and then leaned close.
    “Those three,” she told me and then pointed at the crate I hadn’t noticed in the corner.
    “What is it?” I asked.
    “AK-47’s for the Jamaicans,” she told me.  I knew that was a type of rifle but not much else.
    “I thought Rocky told them no,” I replied.
    “He did.  Bobby ignored him,” Ginger said.  I turned my attention back to the pit and the boys.
    “It’s too late, Rock.  The deal is done.  If we don’t deliver the goods, someone’s going to be unhappy.  We don’t have the manpower to handle that kind of heat,” Bobby told Rocky.  Rocky sat back in his leather chair and chugged the rest of his beer before grabbing the bottle Stone had brought him.
    “I told you not to do it.  This isn’t what I wanted, Bobby,” Rocky told him, frustrated and angry.
    “I know but...well, I thought you were just playing it cool.  Plausible deniability, you know,” Bobby told him.  I rolled my eyes but Stone took it a step further.
    “That’s bullshit and we all know it,” he told Bobby.  Dusty and Enrique, who were apparently involved in this with Bobby, turned to regard Stone.
    “Shut up, new boy.  Who asked you anyway?” Bobby said, suddenly aggressive and angry.  He almost knocked his new girlfriend off of his lap as he lunged forward to shout at Stone.  Stone glared at him, an eyebrow cocked.
    “Last time I checked, I belong to this club,” was all Stone said.
    “Fuck you.  Having fun with my ex?” Bobby asked, trying to be derisive.  It didn’t work.
    “Maria’s having more fun,” Stone said. Ginger chuckled at that.  She obviously knew Stone and I were a thing but I hadn’t talked to her about it yet.
    “Suck it, hipster,” Bobby said apparently referring to Stone’s beard.  Stone just flashed that smirk.
    “I don’t agree with this move.  Rocky doesn’t either.  Apparently, these two agree with you.  What about the Mikes?  I doubt they would go along. 

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