Command Indecision (Lexi Graves Mysteries)

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Book: Command Indecision (Lexi Graves Mysteries) by Camilla Chafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camilla Chafer
wasn't, and the latter was fond of calling out, “ Cutie, three o'clock ” whenever an attractive male walked past the office, which made Denise's eyes roll superciliously. Denise was engaged to a desk-bound soldier and planning a summer wedding. They were all chatty, though I’d yet to work in a question about Jillian’s sister, whom Solomon was determined one of us should make the acquaintance of.
    "How do you like living on base so far, Lexi?" Ruth asked, drawing me into the conversation which revolved around their weekend plans as she passed around coffee.
    "It's okay," I said, thinking about how Solomon was already showered and dressed by the time I got up. The shower was still damp by the time I made it in. I had a record-fast wash and a quick cry before cursing Maddox under my breath. "Our apartment is tiny, but at least it's on base so I don't need a car."
    "Where do you usually live?"
    "Montgomery," I answered, because the only thing easier than lying was being honest. I wouldn't have to make up a thing about Montgomery, I could just omit that I lived there alone, unmarried... unwanted. Oh, mental pity party, thanks for stopping by.
    "Oh, nice. We go there sometimes to that mall just on the outskirts. The one with the big skylight."
    "I know the one."
    "Remember when we all went to that club? The one with the topless waiters?" reminisced Gretchen.
    "Pecs," I filled in helpfully. Lily was fond of the place too. Me? I could take the cocktails and leave the hordes of goggle-eyed women that crowded the bar in search of man meat.
    "So funny. They dragged Jillian on stage and..." Gretchen choked to a stop and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she searched her desk, found tissues and dabbed her eyes , sniffing loudly . "Sorry. I just keep forgetting , you know."
    "It must be really hard for you all, working in here when..." I nodded towards the reception area where Jillian's body was found.
    "It's awful, just awful," agreed Gretchen as Ruth, clearly the maternal one of the office, passed her a plastic cup of water from the cooler. Gretchen gulped it down.
    "I heard her boyfriend did it," I murmure d, feeling awful for intruding on their grief. Then I reminded myself that closure would help them grieve, and the only way they would get that would be to put her murderer behind bars.
    "Oh no. Nathaniel wasn't her boyfriend," said Gretchen , with the air of someone who knew the people involved and with absolute certainty . "I mean, they went on a couple dates, but there wasn't any pizzazz. They were friends. I can't believe he would do this to her, you know."
    "The y didn't arrest him for nothing! He had her blood on his shirt," pointed out Denise, her voice cold and decisive. "Like, it was a crime of passion or something."
    "Was she dating someone else?" Ruth gave me a funny look and I backpedaled, realizing how odd my prying must seem to these women, grieving for their friend. I went for casual commentary as I shuffled the papers in my hand. "I just wondered. I mean, there are so many cute guys on base. I thought, maybe he was jealous or something?" I flashed a glance at Gretchen, my best bet for backup.
    "Sure. Tons," agreed Gretchen, "but I don't think Jillian was into anyone. We're all really close here. She would have said... Oh hello ! S uper cutie at three o'clock. Girls, you should see this one! A butt like freshly baked buns. Skin like a fresh, hot, cappuccino. A body for sins I'd like to confess to."
    I didn't need to look out the window to know who that was. A minute later, the bell above the door rang and all three women craned their heads to get a look. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. M y stomach flipped.
    "Hello, sweetheart," said Solomon, his smooth voice reaching me.
    I turned in my chair and overcompensated with a smile that was one step below manic. "Hi, honey! "
    Behind me, Gretchen sighed.
    "Ready for lunch?" he asked. "I just ran t wenty miles and I'm starving."
    I'd be dead at ten

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