My Daring Highlander
he’d told her. Yet, he could not get enough of her. He
feared he was hooked.
    “Thank the saints!” someone said
behind him. Keegan spun around to find Rebbie behind them, grinning
like a devil. “We thought you’d both perished in the
    Keegan stepped away from Seona and
glanced beyond Rebbie. The gale had passed and the sun was peeking
through the clouds. When had that happened? He knew gales could
vanish as quickly as they appeared. But had he been so wrapped up
in kissing Seona, he’d ignored their surroundings
    ’Slud! He was daft.
    “Nay,” Keegan muttered. “We are
    “I can see that.” Rebbie’s dark eyes
gleamed with amusement. “Where is Lady Seona’s mare?”
    “I know not. Last time I saw the mad
animal, she was running along the burn.” Keegan pointed.
    Rebbie nodded and hoisted himself back
into his saddle. “We’ll find her.” He rode down toward the burn and
three guards joined him.
    “Come. I’ll help you mount.” Keegan
glanced at Seona, not expecting her to look so… arousing. Indeed,
she was always beautiful, but now her cheeks were pink, her pupils
dilated, and her bow-shaped lips red and moist from his kisses. She
looked well-loved but… like she needed more. Aye, he could easily
imagine her in his bed, looking just like this, her dark hair
mussed, her heavy-lidded gaze silently asking him for
    Lust and need burned through
    Her mouth was sweet as a wild summer
strawberry. He wanted to consume her utterly. He ground his teeth
and forced himself to look away.
    She moved toward Curry and waited,
avoiding his gaze. Maybe that was for the best. ’Twas when she made
eye contact that he got into trouble and did things he
    He lifted her to the soft roll of
woolen blankets behind his saddle. It provided a good pillion
cushion. He then hoisted himself into the saddle in front of her.
He would certainly much rather hold her in front of him, but it
wouldn’t be as comfortable for her. Besides that, he needed his
arousal to drain away before they joined the rest of the party, and
that wouldn’t happen if he was holding her in his arms.
    But when she slid her arms around his
waist from behind and flattened her hands against his stomach to
hold on, another wave of desire surged through him. How he would
love to feel her hands smoothing over his bare skin.
    Even though his rational mind told him
he would never have Seona, something inside him refused to believe
    He kneed Curry into a trot and guided
him across the moor toward where their party must be. The breeze
was calm and the sun beamed between the scattering clouds. Glancing
across the rolling, heather-covered landscape and toward the burn,
he didn’t see Rebbie or anyone else. ’Twas too bad the heather was
not yet in bloom, for the sight would’ve been lovely.
    Glancing up, he noticed something
else. A giant double rainbow spanned across the horizon, one
slightly dimmer than the other.
    “Och.” He halted and turned in the
saddle. “Have you ever seen such a bonny rainbow?”
    Seona gasped. “Nay. ’Tis very
    Even lovelier, at least to Keegan, was
Seona’s smile as she took in the scenery. She was so beautiful his
chest ached. Yet… he knew not how he was going to keep her in his
life so that he might see her smile every day.
    Facing forward, he urged the horse
along at a slower pace. No reason to rush. He wanted to enjoy
Seona’s arms around his waist a bit longer.
    “I can’t believe how big the rainbow
is,” she said behind his shoulder.
    “Aye. Are you thinking there’s a great
pot of gold at the end of it?”
    She smiled. “’Haps. Or maybe something
even better than gold.”
    He wondered what she was thinking.
What would she prize more than gold?
    He covered her hands with one of his
and stroked her silky smooth skin. An idea occurred to him. He
turned. “I no longer trust your horse and I’m thinking you should
ride with me for a

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