My Daring Highlander
    “Juliana?” he asked.
    “My mare.”
    “’ Tis a fancy name for a
mare,” he said, unable to hide his amusement. But his main reason
for smiling… he was thrilled she had not been injured.
    She grinned, her dark blue
eyes gleaming with happiness. Saints! He had never seen her look
more beautiful.
    “Did you know your eyes are the color
of bluebells?” he asked.
    She glanced away, but her smile
widened and her cheeks turned an adorable pink, replacing the
earlier paleness. She bit her lip, making him wish he could do the
    Finally, her eyes met his again. He
had the urge to tell her how incredibly beautiful she was, but he
feared he might overdo it.
    “You are mad to say such things,” she
said. He barely heard her above the roar of the wind
    He held up his hands in surrender. “I
speak the truth.”
    Seona felt her face burning despite
the icy wind, but she forced herself to meet Keegan’s gaze. There
was so much she wished to tell him, but fear held her back. He was
perfect… or he would be perfect for her, at least. Simply gazing
into his enchanting sky-blue eyes made her feel happy. And his grin
was naught but charm and seduction. Most impressive of all, he was
a strong, heroic man who didn’t fear anything.
    “You are…” What should she
    He moved his head closer to hear her
better, and turned slightly so one of his ears was near her
    “You are very brave and heroic. You
saved my life,” she said, finding it easier to talk to him when he
wasn’t looking directly into her eyes. “Twice.”
    He pulled back a few inches, his lips
twisting into a lopsided grin. “I thank you, m’lady,” he said. “I
could never allow you to be injured.” He shook his head. “Over the
past few months, I have wanted to talk to you or… dance with you
but… you ken your aunt doesn’t like me.”
    “Nonsense,” she said to be polite.
Truth was Aunt Patience didn’t want her to go near him because she
deemed him unacceptable as husband material for Seona.
    “Come now, Lady Seona, you ken I speak
the truth,” he said in a light tone. “Her glares are like sharp
    She nodded. “My aunt is much like a
guard dog.”
    “Well, she has a right to
be. You’re a beautiful lady and I’m…” He shrugged. “Just a guard.”
    She frowned. “You are much more than
    ’Twas obvious he was trying to
maintain his pleasant expression, but a hint of sadness crept into
his blue eyes that near broke her heart.
    He shook his head. “Nay, I fear when
it comes to you, Lady Seona, I’m naught but a knave and a rogue.
I’ve hardly been able to concentrate today because of memories of
that amazing kiss.” After shoving his fingers through his
windblown, damp mane, he backed away and stared out at the blowing
rain. “I must behave myself,” he muttered, as if to himself, but
she heard it despite the roaring wind.
    She could not take her eyes off him
and the stunning passion in his gaze. He was right… completely and
unequivocally right. He should never touch her again. She should’ve
never allowed him to kiss her the night before, but she could not
have stopped him any more than she could’ve stopped breathing.
Speaking of which, her own breaths were now short and shallow. Her
chest ached with the need to be closer to him. To touch
    His gaze shifted to her. “Hell. Seona,
don’t look at me like that.”
    She pressed her eyes closed, the
moisture gathering there burning. Why did she feel the urge to cry?
’Twas insanity. She was not normally a very emotional person. She
should face facts now—she could never have Keegan. Even though he
had owned her heart for months.
    His warm, rough fingers touched her
face. Her eyes popped open and she sucked in a sharp, surprised
    Standing an inch in front of her,
Keegan frowned down at her. “Don’t you dare cry.”
    She shook her head. “I’m not,” she
said just above a whisper, her throat tight. ’Twas

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