Yes, No, Maybe

Free Yes, No, Maybe by Emma Hillman

Book: Yes, No, Maybe by Emma Hillman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Hillman
how it could be between us?”

    Chapter Thirteen: One, Two, Three

    “I’m happily married, Nick. I love Kevin!”

    “I’m not saying the contrary,” he said, stepping right behind her. “I love Kevin too, he’s my best friend.”

    She whirled around, her eyes flashing. “Then why are you doing this?”

    “I want you!”

    “That doesn’t explain anything! It’s just your body’s reaction to what happened yesterday or what
    Kevin’s told you over the years. It’s just lust, Nick. Surely you can control it?”

    “Why should I?” He grasped her hips. “Tell me this, Mia, why should I control myself?”

    “Because I don’t want this.”

    He snorted. “Sure you don’t.”

    “I don’t!”

    “Tell me you’re not wet right now.”

    She gasped. “I can’t believe you just asked me that. For pity’s sake, Nick, don’t you see? This is going to ruin our friendship and for what? One night together?”

    He smiled, a sad smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “So that’s your problem. This, tonight, won’t stop us from being friends, Mia. I promise you that.”

    “How can you promise me anything? You’re so full of shit, you just want to get laid!” She jerked his
    hands off of her.

    “Can’t you see?” His voice was harsher than she’d ever heard it before. “It’s not gonna change anything
    because I’ve always been fucking you in my mind! Except now I’ll be remembering instead of
    fantasizing but it’s the same thing!”

    “No, it’s not!” She crossed her arms over her chest, wondering when Kevin will finally decide to make
    an appearance. “You’re one of my best friends, Nick, my best guy friend and here you are, proclaiming
    tonight won’t change matters but how can you know that? No one can because we haven’t done
    anything yet!”

    “Then let’s do something!” he snapped back. His hand shot out, palming her nape and pulling her
    forward. Their mouths met with a bang, his teeth nearly cutting into her lips. He gentled the kiss once
    he was inside her, tangling his tongue around hers almost leisurely.

    Mia held herself stiffly, almost leaning back so she wouldn’t touch him. But his touch was arousing and
    she almost hated him for it. He was a good kisser, damn it! She found herself responding to him, her
    stance mellowing as his other hand slid down her back in a slow caress.

    He broke the kiss and drew back, gazing at her until she opened her eyes and met his stare. “All right?”

    She nodded, too confused to say anything. And that’s when Kevin decided he could join them again.

    “Had fun without me?” A hard chest was suddenly pressed against her back.

    She jerked in surprise, feeling ashamed that she’d let Nick kiss her. That she’d enjoyed it. “Kev, I—“

    “Shh.” He didn’t let her finish, turning her around so he could gaze down at her. “This is going to be
    just for you, baby. Anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to try, we’ll do. Anything you don’t
    want to do, just say so. Okay?”

    She felt her breath catch in her throat, indecision making her falter. “I don’t know.”

    “You told me it was one of your fantasies,” Kevin reminded her as he dropped soft little kisses all over her face.

    She closed her eyes as she let herself go in his embrace, hooking her arms around his neck so she
    wouldn’t fall. His lips drifted down the side of her neck, nipping the sensitive skin there until she was wriggling against him.

    He exhaled as her body brushed his, his erection painfully tight in his pajama pants. “Baby?”

    She blinked, opening her eyes to stare at his attentive face. “I don’t know if I want it to become a

    “Is it because of me? You don’t want me?” Nick’s voice rang behind her and she couldn’t help but turn
    to face him, the pain in his voice too flagrant to ignore.

    She recalled what he’d told her only minutes before: how he’d wanted her for years. She couldn’t

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