1915 Fokker Scourge (British Ace Book 2)

Free 1915 Fokker Scourge (British Ace Book 2) by Griff Hosker

Book: 1915 Fokker Scourge (British Ace Book 2) by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
It was a race against time and we were losing.  Before Sharp was in range the two waiting aeroplanes had opened fire from below.  I saw Holt’s gunner throw his arms in the air and then slump forward. Bert would fly no more. The Lieutenant took evasive action by heading south; away from us.  He could not have seen us.  As we were the last two in the patrol we were both heading away from friends and any help that might bring.
    Suddenly Charlie opened fire.  He did not hit the Fokker but made the pilot turn.  I had noticed that they had a tendency to yaw and this one did just that. It meant that he was no longer firing at Holt. Unfortunately the other two aeroplanes had done the damage and smoke was coming from the FE 2’s engine. I wondered why he did not head back to our lines when I saw his tail.  The rudder had been shredded by the Fokker. He could not turn even if he wanted to.
    Sharp had fitted a new magazine and this time he did strike the Fokker which peeled away towards the east.  I dived down on to the other two aeroplanes. I saw Sharp fire at the remaining Fokker and I fired at the Aviatik. They were both slower aeroplanes and, as they tried to turn to bring their guns to bear on us it allowed Holt to open a lead.  Unfortunately he was heading into German territory but he might survive.
    “Let’s see how brave our German friends are.  Hold on Charlie I am going straight for them.”
    As soon as I dived towards them I rendered both of their guns useless.  They could not bring them to bear.  The German ground troops were afraid to fire in case they hit their own aeroplanes. The two Germans split up to avoid being struck by my bus.  I screamed over the lines at no more than twenty feet. Had we had a bomb or even a grenade then Sharp could have caused some damage.  As it was I was just desperate to escape. The evasive action by the two Germans and my superior speed meant that it would take them some time to catch me. They would have to turn and gain altitude.
    I began to climb and follow Johnny. He was easy to spot with a plume of smoke coming from his engine. He was going down.
    “Charlie, I am going after him.  When I land… if I can land then you keep watch with the Lee Enfield.”
    “Sir.” There was a pause, “I knew I should have bought that German phrase book.”
    I could see that the damage to the Gunbus would make landing difficult.  In addition my young comrade would have little choice in his landing zone. He would have to put it down where he could and not where he wanted. I, at least, was undamaged and could choose my spot.
    He was getting lower and lower.  There were no hedgerows in this part of Belgium which was a saving grace. There were, however, drainage ditches running along the fields and the roads. I watched, in horror, as his FE 2 suddenly lurched alarmingly.  He fought to bring it under control.  He almost managed it but the tip of the wing caught and he cart wheeled, again. There was a cloud of dust and smoke and the aeroplane disappeared from view. There was a road running parallel with the field and I dropped down as soon as I could. The road was slightly bumpy but was infinitely smoother than a field.  Our narrow undercarriage meant we could manage to avoid the ditches. In the distance I could see my two pursuers.  They were about three miles away.  We would not have much time. I saw Holt hanging from the cockpit.
    “Charlie, change of plan.  Leap out and grab Mr Holt, I thing the gunner is dead.  Take the Very pistol.  I will turn the bus around.  Bring him back and then fire the aeroplane.”
    “Yes sir!”
    I slowed the aeroplane down and Sharp leapt out.  I slowly turned us around using the side of the field, which was mercifully hard, and the cobbled road. The two Germans were getting closer.  I could see them in the distance but the position of their guns meant that they would find it hard to fire while we were on the ground. I quickly changed my

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