Cover Me (Rock Gods #3)

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Book: Cover Me (Rock Gods #3) by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake
cursed and pushed back, leaving his hands on either side of her head where he was braced against the wall. He was visibly struggling for control.
                  "Kat- please- you are leaving me in a state of constant frustration."
                  If she'd been hoping for love words, she was clearly going to be disappointed. He hadn't said anything remotely romantic. He just wanted to screw her, that was all. At least he was honest. She had to give him that.
                  "Maybe you should work that out with one of your groupies."
                  The hurt look on his face was the last thing she saw as she brushed past him and ran into the hotel lobby. She promised herself she could cry when she got upstairs. Cry once, and then put Bruce out of her head and heart forever.
                  As soon as she got into her room though she noticed something.
                  The light on her phone was blinking.
                  She had a message.

                  Bruce took a big gulp of the bourbon the busty waitress had brought him. He stared around the club without seeing anything. Most of the cast and crew were gone now. Only Harry was sticking around to keep an eye on him.
                  Harry looked worried.
                  Bruce sneered and downed another mouthful. After seven years, getting buzzed felt amazing. Hell, he was more than buzzed.
                  Bruce was drunk.
                  Anything to numb out the empty feeling inside. She'd rejected him. More than that, she'd inflamed him beyond reason and then abruptly left him standing there alone, wanting her.
                  He was still in a state of unrelenting lust, even after he'd been drinking steadily for hours. Ever since she ran off on him. The way she'd responded to him had lit his whole body on fire. And she had responded to him, no matter what she'd said.
                  He thought about what Kat had said about groupies and grimaced. Then again, there had been something about the way she'd said it that he couldn't quite put his finger on.
                  Wait a minute… yes. That was it. That was it exactly.
                  She'd sounded jealous.
                  A flash of hope went through him.
                  "What room is she in?"
                  "Who, Kat?"
                  Bruce stared at his friend and manager steadily.
                  "Look that doesn't sound like the best idea. It's the middle of the night. You should hit the hay man."
                  "Harry, shut the hell up."
                  Harry shook his head and pulled out his phone. He flicked through his lists and looked up at Bruce with his lips pinched together.
                  "Room 301. But I still say this is a bad idea, man!"
                  Bruce clapped him on the shoulder.
                  "Thanks Harry."
                  In minutes Bruce was in the elevator to her room. He stood outside her door, wondering if maybe Harry was right. He was drunk. He was belligerent. And she was probably sleeping like the angel that she was.
                  To hell with it.
                  He lifted his fist and knocked.
                  Nothing. He knocked again and waited. No sound of feet. No exasperated voice coming from the other side of the door.
                  He went to the lobby and asked to speak to the manager.
                  "I'm looking for one of my musicians. Kat Henley."
                  "Miss Henley left a few hours ago."
                  "She took her car and left. Let’s see... It was around 11 pm.

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