Cover Me (Rock Gods #3)

Free Cover Me (Rock Gods #3) by Joanna Blake

Book: Cover Me (Rock Gods #3) by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake
her in his life. Permanently.
                  The chime sounded, signaling the audience to regain their seats.
                  Bruce struggled to regain his composure as the crowd started to settle. The moment they were ready for him, he felt it. He stepped out onto the brightly lit stage and they went wild, screaming for him. He didn't have much of an ego about his music or abilities, but he had to admit he loved this. They wanted what only he could give them. And he wanted to give it.
                  Bruce raised his arms and unleashed his primal rock star.
                  Katrina pressed her fingertips against her lips. She could still feel Bruce's touch there. Linda handed her a drink. Non-alcoholic this time. She didn't trust herself to be around him after a few drinks. She might just throw herself at him and ask him to continue what he'd started.
                  The show had been fantastic. Bruce was fantastic. She'd felt the stirrings of a serious fan girl crush creeping in, seeing him in all his glory like that. And then they'd sung together- this time the words had more meaning somehow. This time when he kissed her there was a glitch or something and the lights hadn't gone out.
                  So he'd kept kissing her.
                  And dear Lord, the man could kiss.
                  The crowd had gone wild as he bent her backwards in his arms and taken her mouth in a tender but ravaging kiss. It was just a stage kiss. It was just part of the show. The way she'd clung to his shoulders had been for the audience's benefit.
                  She clutched her Shirley Temple and sat on one of the low lounge seats next to the rest of the band. Everyone was chattering happily, interacting with fans who approached and the rest of the road crew. The hotel investors were there as well.
                  Harry had paraded her out in front of a bunch of very wealthy looking men in suits. She'd cringed at the way their eyes had crawled up and down her legs, looking extra long in her stiletto ankle booties. Why had Bruce bought her so many mini skirts and dresses? This one was a Herve Leger Bandage Dress. It clung to her figure but the stiff fabric was oddly comfortable. The dress felt like it was giving her a hug.
                  Lord knows she could use one.
                  Kat was almost wishing she hadn't gotten the job right about now. No matter what happened, she knew that she was going to be thinking about Bruce for a long time. He would be impossible to forget once he'd moved on, or even if she followed her instincts and cut and run.
                  But she'd never get another job if she did that. Not as a singer anyway. Not in LA.
                  She felt eyes on her and glanced up. Bruce was over by the bar, surrounded by scantily clad women. Fans by the look of it.
                  No, not fans. Groupies.
                  He laughed at something the woman on his right said as she grasped his arm, playfully feeling his muscles.
                  A hot knife of jealousy sliced through Kat. She looked away and found herself staring right into the eyes of one of the suits. This was the youngest, he looked to be about her age. Mid-twenties at the most. Michael. His name was Michael. He was ogling her and not in a respectful way. She inhaled sharply and stood up.
                  Time to call it a night.
                  Kat slipped into the crowd, hoping to escape unnoticed.
                  As she stepped out into the street outside she felt someone grabbing her arm. She turned to see Michael bearing down on her.
                  "Where are you off to?"
                  She smiled benignly and

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