My Soul Laid Bare: Book 4 (The Soul Keeper Series)

Free My Soul Laid Bare: Book 4 (The Soul Keeper Series) by Melissa Solis

Book: My Soul Laid Bare: Book 4 (The Soul Keeper Series) by Melissa Solis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Solis
stands in front of me while I peel off my soaked jeans and underwear. I slip into the shorts as quick as I can manage. When I turn around, I catch her just turning back from taking a peek at my bare bottom. My face fills with heat knowing she's curious about my body. I toss my wet things in the back of the truck and pop the tailgate down.
    “Do you want to sit out here with me for a little while? I have a cooler full of Cokes.”
    “ Sounds like fun to me.” She smiles coyly, and my hands slide around her waist to help her hop up to the tailgate. I grab my guitar from the back seat and take it out of its soft cover. She grabs a couple of ice cold drinks from the cooler, and I sit beside her. I play a few notes to check the tuning.
    “ I didn't know you played the guitar. I love that about you.” Her eyes are full of admiration and loyalty. If I would give Cat the chance, she'd treasure my heart and care for it forever. I just intrinsically know this about her. I can't explain how.
    I play a song I just learned this summer. It's called “It Sure'd Be Cool if you Did”, by Blake Shelton. It reminds me of Cat and her fearless ways. I want to make up for being such a clod earlier. Cat's face lights up as I play, and I'm dying to share an agonizingly slow first kiss with her. After the song, I put my guitar aside and turn my body to invite her into my arms. She scoots in resting her back against my chest and everything about her makes me want to cover her in kisses.
    I slip Cat’s hand into mine, and that same surge fills me with a sensation I’ve never felt. It’s as if I need to touch her, like all the time. I wonder if she feels it too. She turns her face up towards mine, and I lower my head so that I'm just inches away from her sweet soft lips. Fireworks scream through the sky and explode into dazzling displays of reds and blues above our head. Cat is my personal explosive device. She has the power to detonate my heart tonight if she chooses to. She's dazzling and glorious like a sparkler lit up and burning brightly. She has captivated me.
    I finally close the gap between us and move over her lips just barely brushing mine with hers. Her hand slides up to my face, and I kiss her achingly slow. I want this feeling to linger for days. I want Cat to dream about this kiss for an eternity. My hands hold her close to my chest, and hers move through my hair. My tongue sweeps over hers, and I'm lost in a sea of emotions. This is an entirely new feeling. I've never felt this way kissing anyone, even Brennen, and the revelation of this is life changing. Maybe she wasn't the girl of my dreams. Maybe my heart led me down the wrong path for a reason. I don't care to dwell on it because Cat's sensual mouth melding with mine is euphoric. We could be out here for days like this and never come up for air or food. I deepen the kiss to let her know I'm all in. Her hands find their way under my shirt and caress my heated skin. The combination has me longing for more, and I think she feels the same way. But my sisters keep crisscrossing my thoughts, and I know I'd better check on them. I slow things down with Cat, so that we can finally pry our lips apart. Her gaze washes over me, and I can see the longing in her eyes. I am falling for her hard and fast.
    I take my phone out and shoot both of them a text asking if their ready to go. It's after nine, and the festival is about to end soon. Cat traces swirls along my knee before her hand wanders up my thigh. God, I hope they reply yes and soon. The evidence of Cat's touch is become increasingly difficult to contain.
    “Do you want to grab a snack while we wait for them?” she asks. I nod as she takes my hand and jumps down from the truck bed.
    “ What's your poison? Fried Twinkies? Chocolate dipped bacon? Turkey leg?” She laughs probably never experiencing the calorie laden carnie food America has to offer.  I stow my guitar and we take off back to the carnival.
    The dulcet aroma of

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