Dark Secrets

Free Dark Secrets by Jessica Burnett

Book: Dark Secrets by Jessica Burnett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Burnett
them. That was back when I still believed there could be a god.”
    I laugh at his honesty, “You have a very overactive imagination, you know.”
    “I try.”
    We lay there for a while in complete silence; the only sound being that of the strong winds blowing in and the owl in the tree above us.
    “What do you like most in this world?” I ask as I turn my head to look at him and realize he’s been staring at me this whole time.
    “You’re full of random questions tonight… Hmmm… Spaghetti O’s.” He answers jokingly. I laugh whole-heartedly.
    “No, seriously.”
    “Seriously, I am in love with Spaghetti O’s. Ha. Okay, what else? Mint chocolate chip ice cream, rock music, pop music, and old country, full moons, starry nights, the peace of nature… and sex in the rain.” He answers. With that last statement he looks over at me and wiggles his eyebrows up and down. I start giggling profusely.
    The word, “Interesting…” is all that I could get out. I don’t know how to reply.
    “What about you?”
    “Hmmm…. My son, nature, and coke… the kind you drink, long baths, hot showers, creeks deep enough to swim in, the same kind of music as you, and the night.” I reply smoothly.
    “What about night do you like so much?”
    “Everything; the full moon in all its glory, the shining stars because when I look at them I feel as if I am looking into other worlds far, far away. I love the owls hooting in the distance, the feeling of being wrapped up by the darkness, the solitude, the silence, and the peacefulness of the world. I love that at night it’s almost as if everything has stopped and yet life is still moving forward.” I whisper.
    Derek stared at me for a moment, mouth slightly agape. “You have a beautiful mind. I never realized you were so deep.”
    “Let me guess… you thought I must be completely clueless like all of the other girls my age?” I ask as I stick my tongue out.
    “Ha! Yeah, something like that. Especially since you were brought up in the human world.” He smiled brightly at me.
    “How rude.” I laugh. “We should probably go back in. It’s getting pretty late.” I said as I began to stand up.
    “Alright, let’s go back to bed then. And next time, don’t leave without telling me first. I don’t make a very good bodyguard if I no longer have a body to guard.” He winked at me as he said this. I simply laugh.
    He grabs my hand and leads me back in.
    “You two have gotten pretty cozy I see.” Damien said suddenly.
    Derek, Lachlan, Kai and I are sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Derek had just finished making waffles and bacon for all of us. Derek and I are sitting together on one side, Kai is at the end, and Lachlan is sitting across from us.
    “What do you mean?” I questioned curiously.
    “I’m just saying… you and Derek have been spending a lot of time together as of late. It seems Derek shows no resentment towards you at all anymore. I mean, look at you. You’re sitting so close together you’re basically conjoined.” He said cynically.
    “Is that a bad thing?” Derek inquired. “I thought you’d be happy I no longer wanted to rip out her throat every time she walked in the room.”
    “Rip my throat out? What the hell?” I’m looking back and forth between them trying to figure out what all the hostility was about. Subconsciously, I knew exactly what it was.
    “Oh, I am. I’m just wondering if you are truly beginning to like her or if it’s simply because we’re in your parent’s home and you’re trying to make a good impression.” Damien retorted as Derek glared back at him.
    “Careful Damien. You’re crossing a line.” Derek growled.
    “What does that mean? Why would he need to make a good impression?” I interject.
    “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Damien’s just being an ass. Come on, if you’re finished I’ll show you around the territory. Lachlan, will you watch Kai for us?” Derek said quickly. He was

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