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Book: Obsessed by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
it is not too soon?” His stubble scraped the delicate skin of her neck as he eased his lips down her throat. “Surely you are too sore from the times I made love to you last night and this morning.”
    Liana shook her head. “I am ready for you now.”
    “Such the demanding one.” Aric chuckled as his warm mouth captured her nipple, and she moaned as she thrust her hands into his silky hair. Her own tresses moved, exploring him, sliding around his shoulders as he nibbled and suckled at her breasts.
    His mouth still upon her, Aric picked Liana up and carried her into the pool. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her head back so that the ends of her hair dipped into the pool and grew wet, soaking up Elvin magic.
    The magic seeped into her lifeforce, enhancing the erotic sensations flowing through her. She released a portion of her essence, surrounding Aric with it and allowing him to feel the intense pleasure she felt.
    “Lord Ir.” His voice grew hoarse and his erection enormous as he pressed her tight against him. “I have never felt such desire. Such need.”
    I want your cock inside me. Liana wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Come inside of me.
    With a savage growl, he gripped her hips in his hands and thrust his cock inside her. Aric pounded into Liana, the magic of the pool enhancing the sensations of him plunging in and out. He was so big, so hard, and he filled her so deep. She couldn’t imagine anything as exquisite as the feelings building up within her.
    “Gods!” She clawed at his shoulders as her orgasm burst through her body. Brilliant light exploded through her mind, flashes of color, emotion, feeling, and pleasure so intense it was almost painful.
    He continued to thrust into her, drawing out the intensity of her climax. His body went taut and he bellowed as he reached his own zenith. He pulsated inside Liana, his cock throbbing so violently that aftershocks rippled throughout her body.
    Aric withdrew, his staff still hard. He picked Liana up by her waist and moved to the bank, then turned her around so that her palms rested on the pool’s edge. “Hold on,” he commanded.
    “What—” she started, and then gasped as he drew her thighs apart and plunged into her from behind. The sensation of him taking her from this position was different and exciting all at once.
    “I don’t know what you do to me, woman.” He paused and caressed her buttocks, then slid his hands up to her breasts. “You are a witch. A beautiful witch-goddess.”
    A gasp spilled from her lips as his fingers squeezed her nipples. Slowly, then building up speed, he thrust into her while his hands played with her breasts.
    Liana clung to the bank of the pool, her fingers digging into the dark soil. Her senses filled with the smells of dark loam and jensai perfume, the scent of his seed mixed with the nectar between her thighs.
    He pounded into her, his flesh slapping into hers. The only sounds she heard were the soft slosh of water as he thrust, her moans and his groans.
    Tension coiled inside Liana, and her eyes widened at the intensity of the feeling. When he moved one hand from her breast to her slit and the pleasure nub between her thighs, she screamed and buckled against the shore from the force of her orgasm.
    Driving his cock into her, he grasped her hips, digging his fingers into her soft flesh. He shouted as he came, but did not stop thrusting until every drop of his seed was milked into her core.
    He relaxed against her back, his face buried in her hair. His cock was still inside her, his labored breathing matching hers.
    “Mmmm.” She sighed, enjoying the feel of him inside and out, the way her nipples pressed into the soft earth beside the pool, and the feel of the magical water surrounding them, filling them with some kind of power.
    She couldn’t imagine ever being happier.
    Yet even as this thought seeped through her mind, a knot of worry began forming in her belly,

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