
Free Obsessed by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Obsessed by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
and screamed as he ripped through her maidenhead.
    And buried his cock to the hilt inside her.
    Shocked, Aric tensed and gritted his teeth, overwhelmed with the sensation of being inside Liana. His overriding desire was to pound into her, but the thought of her being in pain held him in check. “Are you all right, my sweet one?”
    Her breaths came in ragged gasps as she nodded and her gaze met his. Her sea green eyes looked glazed, yet sultry. She shifted as though becoming used to the feel of his cock inside her.
    Sweat broke out on his body as she moved, and he fought against thrusting into her, taing her like a man crazed with lust. “How does it feel?”
    “Full.” She wiggled and he groaned. “And perfect.”
    “I cannot hold back any longer, zjenni,” he warned.
    “Good.” Her smile turned seductive.
    Pressing her hips tight to him with his hands, Aric rolled over, causing Liana to yelp in surprise. His cock still buried inside her, Aric raised himself up on his arms and looked down at his woman.
    Yes, his woman.
    Come what may, she was his. He would go into exile for Liana and leave the kingdom to Renn, if that was what he must do.
    “You are mine, Liana,” he murmured as he brushed his lips over hers. “Always and forever.”
    Her eyes widened, and then rolled back as he slowly began to thrust his hips against hers, driving his cock in and out of her tight core. The need to claim her rose, filling his soul, adding fuel to his frenzy.
    “Say you are mine,” he demanded. “Say it.”
    Liana gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck, and her hair curled around his wrists. “I am yours, Aric.”
    “No matter what.” He stopped and stared down at her, a bead of sweat trickling down the side of his face. “Promise you will never leave me.”
    “I—I promise.” She dug her nails into his hips. “Aric, please.”
    He thrust into her. Fucked her harder and harder. Faster and faster. Tension spiraled tighter within him as he pounded into her.
    She cried out, her body shuddering and clenching around him. A second later His orgasm slammed into him, more powerful than any he had ever known. He continued moving and pulsing inside her until every drop of his seed had emptied into her womb.
    He collapsed into her arms, his sweat soaked skin pressed tight to hers.
    I am yours, she whispered in his mind, her voice a caress and a demand all at once. And you are mine.
    * * * * *
    The following afternoon, Liana snuggled against Aric as he carried her to the Bewitching Pool. She felt sore inside and out, but content. Why hadn’t he attempted to enjoy such pleasures with her before?
    His cock was hard once again, pressed against her hip through the fastening of his breeches. His tunic felt rough against her bare form, and she smiled. She had taken him while he was still fully clothed—all but his cock, that part of him that had given her so much pleasure.
    She sighed as he nuzzled her ear while he climbed over the rise. She couldn’t wait to get him naked and into the crystal waters—and then he would take her again.
    When he reached the pool, he carefully stood her on the ancient steps and then began undressing. She drank her fill of his beautiful male body as she watched him shed his clothing. Powerful, clearly defined muscles. Black hair that reached his shoulders and begged for her to run her fingers through its length. Black eyes that made love to her every time he looked her way. His large cock that caused her mouth to water as she studied him. His fluid, masculine grace.
    After he had tossed his clothing aside, Aric approached Liana and drew her to him, pressing his cock against her soft skin. “You take my breath away,” he murmured as he kissed the corner of her mouth, then moved toward her ear. “I cannot get enough of you, sweet one.”
    “I want you again.” She shuddered as he traced the point of her ear with his tongue. “I love the feel of your cock moving inside me.”
    “Are you certain

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