Texas Hunt

Free Texas Hunt by Barb Han

Book: Texas Hunt by Barb Han Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barb Han
going out there to investigate alone didn’t do good things to her blood pressure. Her father was dead. She’d been in the hospital. Any number of things could happen to Ryan. And the thought of bad news happening in threes was fresh in her mind.
    She pushed herself up and followed him. He must not have noticed because he said nothing to stop her. And if he’d known, he would’ve stopped to help her. He was locked on to something.
    Only a few steps behind him, she still didn’t get a good look at what had caused the noise. The front door was closing, though.
    Someone had been in there.
    â€œFred?” Ryan called out as he bolted through the front door.
    She couldn’t get there fast enough to catch him. By the time she made it across the room with Arthur’s help, Ryan had returned.
    â€œYou expecting anyone else?” Ryan asked the older man.
    â€œNo. We get kids running through shouting inappropriate things sometimes for laughs.” This was the first time the old man broke form. Disgust was in his eyes.
    â€œDon’t they normally say or do anything?” Ryan’s gaze moved from Arthur to his SUV. He must be remembering what had just happened to his tires at the hospital.
    â€œYes. But you never know what’s going on in the mind of a teenager.” Arthur shrugged, his compassionate demeanor returned.
    Ryan turned to Lisa. She tried to command her body to stop trembling.
    â€œYou want to do this by phone?” he asked.
    She nodded.
    â€œI’m sorry to have wasted your time, Arthur. This isn’t a good idea for her right now,” Ryan said firmly, leaving no room for doubt that they were about to walk out the door.
    â€œI understand. Call when you’re ready to talk.” Arthur produced a card from his pocket.
    Lisa thanked him and walked to the SUV with Ryan’s help.
    Once they were inside and he took the driver’s seat, she said, “I’ve had a bad feeling the whole time we’ve been here.”
    He turned over the ignition. The engine hummed to life.
    â€œThat’s because we were being watched.”

Chapter Six
    â€œI need to ask this straight out, Lisa. Did an ex-boyfriend do this to you?” Ryan knew he might make her retreat by being straightforward like that, but he needed to know.
    â€œAre you being honest with me?” Again, he had to ask. It was the only thing that made sense to him, given everything he’d witnessed so far, and especially the way she’d watched the door at the hospital as though she was expecting someone to come in. Expecting wasn’t the right word. It was more like fearing.
    â€œI’ve never lied to you, Ryan.” She sounded hurt.
    Maybe he should’ve trusted his initial judgment and left it alone. This was a no-win situation. She wasn’t giving him anything else to go on.
    â€œThen tell me what’s going on with you. Who hurt you? I know it’s not random.” He pulled the SUV onto the county road, checking the mirrors in case anyone followed them.
    â€œI’m afraid to tell you. I don’t want to make everything worse. I just need a few days to heal and figure this out.”
    â€œFigure what out?” he parroted.
    â€œCan’t we just leave it at that?”
    â€œNo. Not when you could get hurt again. Not when I can’t protect you. Not when some unknown threat can pop up at any time.”
    â€œIt’s not a boyfriend, but it is something from my past. I can assure you that I’m the only one he wants,” she said quietly.
    â€œTell me his name.” Ryan kept his gaze focused on the road ahead, waiting for her to give him a name.
    Neither spoke for the rest of the ride.
    As soon as they got to his house, Lisa asked if he minded if she went to bed early.
    â€œEat first.” He grilled a simple meal of beef kabobs with pineapple chunks and slices of green bell peppers for her while she was in the

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