The Pillars of Ponderay

Free The Pillars of Ponderay by Lindsay Cummings

Book: The Pillars of Ponderay by Lindsay Cummings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Cummings
Petra on the back.
    â€œI’ll do it on one condition,” Birdie piped up. Her arms were crossed, and Albert knew she wouldn’t back down. “I’ll ride the Guildacker, even go to the dance . . . if I don’t have to wear a dress.”
    All three of the boys laughed. Petra was at such a loss for words that Albert knew instantly he’d made the right choice.
    The four of them piled their hands on top of one another’s. Farnsworth laid a paw on top of the pile.
    â€œDeal,” Albert said. “We’re definitely going to win.”


The Pillars of Ponderay
    A s they climbed down the staircase and saw the glittering pool below them, the floating docks with old wooden tables and all of the Core people waiting below, Albert felt a thousand times lighter. They’d arrived at Lake Hall, where lunch was the biggest and best meal of the day.
    This term, icicle lights hung from the cavernous ceiling like falling stars. The lights cast dancing shadows on the crowd below.
    â€œYou all right, Albert?” Birdie nudged him with her hip as they reached the bottom of the stairs.
    â€œI’m good,” Albert said. “I still can’t believe we lost today.”
    â€œThings will get better,” Birdie promised.
    Albert wanted to believe she was right. This was the Core, after all. Things changed every single day, and tomorrow, he hoped they’d beat Argon.
    â€œI’m so hungry I could eat an entire Guildacker!” Leroy yelled. His voice echoed across the Hall.
    There was a deafening roar from the companions’ table, which was closest to the bottom of the staircase where the trio stood. Jadar had heard Leroy’s joke, and by the look of his coiled talons and snapping beak, he wasn’t happy.
    â€œMy bad!” Leroy said, holding his hands up. “Totally my bad!”
    Birdie smirked and waved Jadar away. “Serves you right, Leroy Jones.”
    â€œYou guys are crazy,” Albert said, holding back a laugh.
    The three of them stood by the water’s edge, waiting as the turtles swam to greet them.
    â€œOh, I’ve missed these little guys!” Birdie knelt down and patted her turtle on the head. It winked an ancient, knowing eye at her, then let her hop on. Albert and Leroy followed suit.
    The turtles seemed to know exactly where Hydra belonged today. The turtles floated past Albert’s old table, where he and his friends used to sit. Today it was empty, reminding Albert that even though he was back in the Core, it wasn’t reason to celebrate. He was only herebecause of an emergency, and if Albert wanted to help set things right, and keep his family and everyone else in California safe, he needed to focus.
    The turtles took a left, stopping at the edge of a black dock, where a few of the other students sat. Albert recognized some of them, especially Jack, an older Balance Keeper who had taken Albert and Leroy under his wing in Cedarfell. Albert didn’t know Jack was a Pure. Some people, like Hoyt, flaunted it like a shiny new gadget, while others, like Petra, didn’t think of it as something that needed to be said.
    â€œâ€™Sup, Hydra?” Jack waved from the dock.
    â€œHey, Jack! Nice to see you, man.” Albert waved and hopped off his turtle. He knelt down and patted it on its glittering shell. “Thanks for the ride!”
    The turtle blinked at him, then disappeared beneath the surface of the dark water.
    There were three empty seats at the table. Albert, Leroy, and Birdie sat down. Leroy tucked a napkin into the collar of his shirt, then grabbed his fork and knife. “Let’s do this.”
    â€œAlbert Flynn,” someone said.
    Albert looked to his left, and was surprised to see Tussy there.
    â€œShouldn’t you be sitting with the Professors?” he asked her.
    Tussy had a fresh cut on her left eyebrow.
    â€œShouldn’t you be a little more . . . disappointed right

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