The Pillars of Ponderay

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Book: The Pillars of Ponderay by Lindsay Cummings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Cummings
the Core, and I will shed light on the most recent one. The Realm of Ponderay, a place very dear to my heart, is indeed facing a terrible Imbalance.”
    The last time an Imbalance had been announced everyone gasped, but not today. Everyone had already sensed it. And with the reports coming in from California, Albert suspected he knew exactly how bad the Imbalance was. Soon, it would make things on the surface much worse. His stomach churned as he thought of his family.
    â€œLet me assure you, this is something we Professors are taking very seriously. As you know, whenever a Realm has an Imbalance, the Realm always provides the Means. We are working around the clock both inside the Realm of Ponderay and through research efforts here in the Core to find the Means to Restore Balance.”
    Professor Asante went on. “The Balance in Ponderay has not been off in hundreds of years. There is a system set in place, one that has been there since the beginning of time, that has always ensured this. I regret that we don’t know much about the system—we’ve never needed to—but we do know it involves the Ten Pillars of Ponderay that stand in a ring in the middle of the Silver Sea.”
    â€œI bet that’s usually a gorgeous sight,” Birdie whispered.
    Professor Asante continued. “But now, as some of you know, in an event never before documented in Core History, the Pillars have begun to rotate in their ring, moving in a clockwise circle. They are not moving too fast, but we believe it is this movement that is causing the massive tremors off the coast of Southern California.”
    Several people did gasp this time, but Albert and his teammates just nodded solemnly; Professor Flynn had told them as much this morning. Albert suddenly wished he hadn’t eaten so many meatballs. When he thought of his family in San Diego, his stomach started churning.
    â€œI’ve been to the Realm myself,” Professor Asante said. “Along with my Apprentice, Tussy, and we have yet to find the Means to Restore Balance. We don’t yet know why the Pillars have begun to rotate. We will continue our search. What I ask now is that the Balance Keepers training for Ponderay step up their preparations.”
    She took a deep breath, and even from here, Albert could sense the tension in her shoulders, the exhaustion in her voice. Her eyes fell right on Albert, and as she spoke, a shiver tiptoed down Albert’s spine. He felt like she was talking only to him, that they were the only two in the room.
    â€œThe time may come, very soon, when you will be asked to serve the Core.”
    Albert’s heart skipped a beat. He thought of his family on the surface, and the desire to defeat the Imbalance burned like hot oil in his gut.
    â€œHydra and Argon should report to the Pit early tomorrow morning, for an emergency lesson on Ponderay before competition,” Professor Asante added.
    The speech ended.
    Tussy took over and led the Core song. Everyone joined in, even Albert, and somehow, the familiarity of the moment seemed to take a bit of the chill away.
    The song faded, and Albert, Leroy, and Birdie headed back toward the Main Chamber. When they got there, the clock with its glaring red number caught Albert’s eye once again. Seven days.
    â€œThat was intense, dudes,” Leroy said.
    â€œYeah, after that announcement, I think I need a good night’s sleep.” Birdie yawned and looked at Albert. “Do you guys mind if I head to Treefare early? I think I’ll go hang out with Jadar and some of the girls for a while.”
    â€œYeah,” Albert said. “That sounds good. We’ll need to be rested if we’re going to beat Hoyt’s team tomorrow.”
    â€œAnd with your Tile, you’ll need to study up, bro,” Leroy said, nudging Albert. “We can spend some time reading the Black Book.”
    They turned a corner, passing the tunnel that led to the girls’

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