
Free Scandalous by H.M. Ward

Book: Scandalous by H.M. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Ward
what you did. That’s something they couldn’t have taught you at college either. It’s beyond incredible. You turned down millions. You gave away your first windfall. Who does that?”
    “Masochistic people who are content being beggars,” he replied, grinning. His eyes were locked on my face as I spoke. There was something about talking about his work that seemed to make him squirm. His voice lightened a little. There was a moment of silence, but I could tell Jack was trying to say something. “Abby...?” I looked directly at him. My breath caught in my throat. His dark hair was tussled by the wind, his eyes endless orbs of blue. “I don’t know how to treat you.”
    Surprised, I asked, “What?” Smiling at him, my stomach fluttered. “What do you mean?”
    His hand was in the sand, next to mine. He pressed his fingers into the grains before looking up to me. “We’re not the same as we were, but you still feel like the same old Abby. But you’re not. You’re a nun.” I started to protest, but he waved me off, “I know what you’re gonna say, but it’s so totally the same. It means you’re off limits. And what’d I do? I took a nun down to the beach. I have a nun helping me paint nude women. It’s weird.” My heart sank, and I looked away from him. Before I knew what happened, he gently touched my chin and turned my face back toward his. His lips were parted, ready to speak, “And it’s wonderful, because it’s you. You’re still Abby Tyndale, the girl I used to know.” His touch lingered for a moment too long, his gaze remained on mine, locked, not wanting to look away.
    I didn’t want to shatter the moment either. Instead of pulling away, I sat there, looking into his eyes. All the feelings that plagued me melted away as he touched me. The lightness in my head made me want to giggle. The idea of his hands on my face, and his lips brushing against mine didn’t seem so bad. As soon as the thought entered my head, I closed my eyes. The connection broke. The moment shattered. Jack lowered his hand, and stared out at the sea.
    When the moment passed, I realized that I didn’t want it to. I realized the truth in Kate’s words. I still had the hots for Jack Gray.

    I stood in the doorway to Kate’s room. Another week had come and gone. Belinda had disappeared again, and the model situation was smoothed over. Or so it seemed. A suitcase sat open on Kate’s bed.
    Kate was standing in the closet tossing things across the room while she spoke, “I’ll be away for a few days. Use the car as much as you want. If something is majorly wrong, call me. I’ll be in Brooklyn, so it’s not like I’m a million miles away.”
    My arms were folded over my chest, my shoulder leaning against the doorjamb. “Working over the weekend?”
    “Yeah,” I heard as she bent over and grabbed a pair of shiny shoes that had four inch heels.
    Pushing off the frame, I walked into the room and over to her. When she turned, I grinned, pulling the shoes out of her hands and putting them on the suitcase. “You really expect me to believe that you’re working? In these?” I held up a shoe on my index finger. The heel could be used as a weapon, it was so long and pointy. “I’d question your occupation and business associates if I were you. This screams of sexual harassment,” I said deadpan. Kate looked like a deer in the headlights. When I couldn’t stand it anymore, a smile cracked across my face and I laughed. “Kate! If you’re seeing someone, just tell me. Don’t pack four times as much clothes just so you can hide lingerie and your fuck-me-heels in the sleeves of your suits.” I tossed the shoe back into her pile of clothes.
    A sheepish expression washed across her face, as her shoulders squished up around her neck. “I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t talk about it with you, and...”
    I cut her off, “Why not? If it’s something you used to share,

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