A Gamma's Choice

Free A Gamma's Choice by Amber Kell

Book: A Gamma's Choice by Amber Kell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Kell
Kaden’s heart ached as he thought of Alice’s baby. He’d have to call home and find out what happened.
      “Jacob—secure this prisoner and make sure he’s watched until I talk to him later. Everyone else, get back to work,” Gage said, growling at those who lingered too long. “You did really good, pup. I came running when you called out ‘vampire ’ . Good choice.”
    “Thanks.” The alpha’s praise warmed Kaden inside and out. “I didn’t think ‘help me’ would do it.”
    They returned to Gage’s tent and Kaden stayed passive as the alpha stripped him of his clothing. A few minutes later, a scowling Russ entered. “I lost him.”
    “You what?” Gage’s surprise made Kaden smile.
    “You heard me. The little fucker is fast.” Russ focused on Kaden. He examined Kaden’s skin as if he was cramming for an exam and hoping to get an A . “You all right?”
    Kaden nodded. Heat crawled across his body as he became the focus of both men’s attention.
    “We’ll find him later,” Russ promised.
    Kaden didn’t think now was the time to confess that Conley had helped with his capture. The omega had made up for his betrayal in the end.
    “I need to call home and ask them what happened.” Gage’s stomach turned over at the thought of his sister’s murder.
    “Come here.” Gage opened his arms and Kaden snuggled in, settling between Gage’s thighs and enjoying the hard rod digging into his spine.
    Gage handed over a cell phone. “Yours is too far away,” he explained.
    With shaking fingers Kaden dialled the number. After three rings the phone picked up.
    “Hi, Dad,” Kaden said.
    “Kaden? How are you?” His father’s quiet yet friendly greeting warmed him. He hadn’t left on the best terms.
    “Greg was here—” Kaden began, only to be cut off.
    “There? Are you hurt?” His father’s voice grew urgent. “Alice…”
    “H-he said he killed her,” Kaden said, barely holding back the sobs.
    “He did. We were going to call and tell you today. We’ve been trying to arrange her funeral.”
    “He’s in custody.” Kaden’s heart sank. He’d hoped Greg had been lying. “What about the baby?”
    “We were able to save her but not Alice.” Kaden could hear the sorrow in his father’s voice. “We’re holding a service next Wednesday. We’d love it if you could come. Are you all right? D-did Greg hurt you?”
    “No, I’m fine. I’ll make it to the service—just send me the specifics. And…I’d like to bring my mates.” Kaden held his breath as he waited for his father’s reply. Since, he’d technically left the family his father could refuse to let Kaden and his mates onto his territory.
    “Mates? What have you got yourself mixed up with?” His father’s tone became sharper.
    “I’m part of a triad with the alpha and beta of the pack.” Kaden almost hung up before he heard his father’s response. The little boy inside still wanted his father’s approval—sadly, the adult rarely received it.
    “Bring them too. I’d love to see the men who think they’re good enough for my boy.”
    “We’ll be there,” Gage whispered in his ear.
    “See you Wednesday,” Kaden promised.
    After the usual pleasantries, he hung up.
    Gage kissed Kaden’s neck. “You all right?”
    Kaden nodded. “I’ll miss Alice.” A tear dripped down his cheek as he thought about his sweet sister.
    Russ crawled over the covers to place a soft kiss on Kaden’s mouth. “We’ll make sure they don’t get hold of you again.”
    “I know.” Kaden had confidence his mates would protect him from kidnappers, vampires and all manners of enemies. Right now he needed to reassure his lovers that he was fine. They both hovered over him as if he was fragile glass that might break. He couldn’t have that.
    Standing up, he grabbed Russ by the shirt and yanked him off the bed. With much tugging and wiggling, he separated the man from his clothing.
    “For such a little thing, you’ve got

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