A Real Cowboy Rides a Motorcycle

Free A Real Cowboy Rides a Motorcycle by Stephanie Rowe

Book: A Real Cowboy Rides a Motorcycle by Stephanie Rowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Rowe
rest of the night. Yeah, he could go after her and wrap himself around her, but having her being the aggressor changed everything. She wanted him. She trusted him. She needed to touch him. That shit felt really good, and he wasn't going to screw up by his need to get relief.
    So, he didn't move.
    She didn't either.
    When dawn finally began to streak its golden rays through the small windows, Zane hadn't slept for even a minute, his cock hurt like hell from being hard for so long, and his entire body ached from holding so much tension in it.
    He was pretty sure it was the best damn night of his life, and he was never going to forget it.
    She was in over her head. She knew it.
    Taylor strode toward the ranch house, keeping her head high and refusing to look around as she walked. Refusing, specifically, to look for Zane. She'd awoken slightly several times in the night just enough to snuggle deeper into the heat of his body and bask in the feel of his body against hers. Each time, the best feeling of contentment had filled her, and she'd fallen back asleep.
    But this morning? She'd woken up to an empty bed.
    No note. Nothing. Just alone.
    She was used to waking up alone, but this morning, she'd felt so achingly empty to find Zane gone.
    That kind of reaction to his absence wasn't good. Not good at all. Of course he'd be gone already. They were on a ranch, and he'd probably been out the door before dawn to ride with Chase. There was absolutely no reason to expect him to lounge in bed with her, or to have left her some sweet note, and yet she'd been sort of crushed anyway.
    She couldn't afford to need him, or anyone. Her survival depended on her being okay with a solo life, but Zane was breaking through her resolves at warp speed, even though she hadn't even kissed him.
    This had to end. No more sleeping in the bunkhouse. She'd get a hotel room, or something. But even the mere thought of moving to a hotel made her sad, not just because of Zane, but because she'd come out here to be with Mira, not to cloister herself in a hotel room, like she did almost every other night of her life.
    Resolutely, she lifted her chin as she neared the house. She was not going to let Zane drive her away. She was here for Mira, and no man was going to interfere with that. She'd just drag one of those dusty mattresses out and sleep on that. Situation solved.
    She smiled, feeling better as she pulled open the front door, looking forward to breakfast with Mira. Some girl time would be great. She could talk to Mira about Zane and—
    Conversation stopped, and five faces turned toward her as she stepped inside. At the kitchen table, visible from the front door, were Mira, Chase, Erin, Zane, and a man who looked enough like Zane and Chase that she was willing to bet it was Steen. The table was littered with nearly-empty serving plates, and the scent of bacon and fresh bread filled the air. It looked like a genuine down-home breakfast, filled with warmth, camaraderie, and family. Longing swept over her, quickly followed by a discomfort and awkwardness. There was so much intimacy in the room, and she wasn't a part of it.
    Mira waved at her, not getting up from her seat between Chase and Erin. "Hey, girl! You just made it! We saved a couple pieces of bacon for you. Pull up a chair."
    "I'll get one for her." Zane stood up quickly, flashed her a smile that eased a little bit of the tension in her body, and then he disappeared around the corner.
    "Um, okay." She walked into the kitchen, aware that conversation had stopped, as if her presence had derailed it. She managed a smile at the man she didn't know. "You must be Steen."
    He stood up immediately and leaned across the table to shake her hand, his face creasing into a warm smile. He was wearing jeans, cowboy boots, and a crisp plaid shirt. "Steen Stockton. It's great to meet you, Taylor. Mira has been so excited about you coming."
    "Thanks." His grip was warm and strong, his hands slightly roughened from

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