To Steal a Prince
fountain would be great.”
    Rashad slows.
    “I’ll open my own door, if you don’t mind.”
    He nods. “As you wish.”
    The car stops by the curb.
    “Thank you, Rashad. And…” I hesitate. “Could you wait a few hours before telling the prince where I’ve gone?”
    “Of course, my lady.”
    I step out, and the car purrs away. I sit on the edge of the fountain, a little stunned. My last link to the palace is gone. I’m not entirely sure if that’s good or not.
    For a moment I just rest, basking in the sun and staring at the giant fish in the center of the fountain. It’s leaping, spurting water high into the air. Pigeons roost on its scaled head. People hurry past, searching for coffee and breakfast. It’s still too early for the tourists. No one spares a glance at the fountain, or at me.
    Mist falls on my face. I hope Damon won’t be too upset by my disappearance. Really though, I needed to leave. It’s what’s best for Damon and his family. They could obviously see that I didn’t fit in there. I try to convince myself that it’s also what’s best for me. I feel another pang at the thought of never seeing Damon again.
    “Beautiful morning, isn’t it?”
    I almost fall into the fountain. Nic sits beside me, dark sunglasses obscuring his eyes.
    “How’d you find me?” I glance around, but I don’t see a palace car anywhere.
    “It’s my job.”
    “I thought your job was to protect Damon.”
    “It is.” He stares straight ahead. As far as I can tell, anyway.
    “I didn’t steal anything, you know.”
    “I know.”
    “Then why come after me?”
    Nic scratches the back of his neck. Is he actually capable of being uncomfortable?
    “You can’t leave. Not yet.”
    “And why not?”
    He sighs. “He’s never had a girl run from him before. I don’t know what it’d do to his ego.”
    I scoff. “He can’t care if I stay or go. I’m just some random girl who crashed his car.”
    “The prince may have given you the wrong impression. He really loved that car. Not just anyone could have gotten away with totaling it.”
    I stare at the cobblestones, trying to decide whether to believe him.
    “You don’t have to stay forever. I’m just asking you not to leave yet.”
    Adjusting my bag, I stare into the traffic that whizzes around us. “How long do you think I’ll last?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Until he replaces me with another girl.”
    “Is that what you’re worried about?” The bodyguard cracks his knuckles. “What do you think he’s going to do if you go now? Mourn eternally? You’re guaranteed to lose him if you don’t give him a chance.”
    Well shit. He has a point.
    “Don’t make the mistake of thinking he’s callous just because he’s rich. He’s going to miss you. Trust me on that one. And who do you think he’ll blame if he gets hurt?”
    “He couldn’t blame you. You’re just the bodyguard.”
    Nic takes off his sunglasses, looking deep into my eyes. “The heart is part of the body.”
    I have to laugh. “That’s incredibly cheesy.”
    “Do you like it?” He puts his sunglasses on again, but a small smile plays across his lips. “I’ve always wanted to use it as a pickup line. I would have, if I weren’t always so busy looking after the prince.”
    “The world will never know what it’s missing.”
    “I made you laugh. You have to at least consider coming back.”
    The thought stirs up equal parts joy and terror. “I don’t know. It’s not Damon, it’s just that I don’t belong there. The jewels, the wealth, the pretention, none of that’s me.”
    “Maybe that’s why he needs you.”
    The wind shifts, sending flecks of mist drifting over us. I have to admit, I do feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of seeing Damon again. It’s only been what, eight hours since I saw him last?
    I stand, stretching in the morning light. “All right. I’ll go back. But I’m doing you a favor, you know. Someone has to protect you from the prince’s

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