Cherry Adair - T-flac 03

Free Cherry Adair - T-flac 03 by Hide, Seek

Book: Cherry Adair - T-flac 03 by Hide, Seek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hide, Seek
the moment. Just until she could forget for a few blessed seconds why she was here at all. He cupped her behind, pulling her in closer. Her muscles softened, flowing into his heat. Her fingers twisted into his incredible hair.
    But she was no longer naive, and she wasn't ignorant about sex this time. This was dangerous ground.
    Hurtling off this particular cliff would do more than break her heart. This time, it might kill her. Kyle's carnal lovemaking had almost made her forget.
    A dousing of ice water couldn't have cleared her mind any faster. Kyle Wright had a bad habit of making her irrational. Their magical days in San Francisco had been the only time she'd allowed herself the blessed freedom to be selfish. In the midst of a climax, she hadn't been able to think about her mom, or Lauren, or anyone else in the family. Only herself.
    She couldn't afford the distraction now.
    With a violent wrench she pulled her head away, using both hands to push at the rock-solid width of his chest. Delanie covered her face with both hands. "Damn it, I won't—"
    He gently removed her hands from her face. "Wrong place, wrong time, wrong continent." The heat drained out of his eyes, leaving them once again cool and unreadable.
    "Right! I'll stay because I don't have a choice, but if you so much as look at me the wrong way again, I'll—"
    He smiled. A smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Shoot me with your pea shooter, Annie Oakley?"

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    "Do a Bobbitt on you while you're sleeping," she shot back, stalking through the arch into the bedroom to yank the serape-type bedspread off the bed. On her way back, she snagged a pillow. He was still standing at the door when she dumped the bundle onto the sofa.
    "Take the bed." He sounded as exhausted as she felt.
    "This is fine. Don't let me keep you—" She scanned him derisively from top to toe. "—up."
    She plopped down on the sofa, pulling the spread over her before giving the pillow a punch. She closed her eyes. By imagining the life she would have, once she had Lauren safely home with her, Delanie managed to keep her breathing slow and deep.
    Another teaching job. Sweet, innocent little faces… She'd buy a small house… trees and grass…
    civilized rows of flowers.
    Knowing Kyle stood there watching her made her skin itch. She controlled the nervous urge to scratch.
    Breathe , she instructed herself.
    In. Out.

    God save him from stubborn females. Kyle waited until Delanie's faked slumber became real.
    She looked small and defenseless curled there, one cheek cradled in her hand. Her skin appeared translucently pale, and smudges lay beneath the fan of her lashes. He shook his head and moved closer.
    Even in the muted light her hair shone, thick and silky to the touch. For years he'd remembered its texture in his dreams.
    Using just his fingertip, he moved the strand covering her nose, his index finger lingering on the softness of her cheek. He trailed his finger over her chin, down the silky warm skin of her neck, then lingered on the fragile pulse beating in the hollow of her throat. He knew how easy it would be to exert just the right amount of pressure to break her. Some in his line of work would consider her immediate termination mandatory. Montero and his new threat were far more important than a single, easily-disposed-of woman.
    He removed his hand from her face and dressed. Opening the door quietly he padded down the hallway Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter,
    and through the dark house.
    Instructed to give this guest immediate access to their boss, the guards stepped back as Kyle traversed the long hallways of the house.
    Slipping through another set of double doors, Kyle snapped on the bedside light and waited. He wanted his business partner's full attention. He got it as, blinking in the light, Montero reared

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