Tragedy's Gift: Surviving Cancer

Free Tragedy's Gift: Surviving Cancer by Kevin Sharp, Jeanne Gere

Book: Tragedy's Gift: Surviving Cancer by Kevin Sharp, Jeanne Gere Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Sharp, Jeanne Gere
A Star . It was the country version of Star Search and I desperately wanted to be on it. We had to work tirelessly to make the audition deadline and we did it. I was so proud of that first tape. We sent it everywhere and to any one we knew that might help us.
    The feedback was excellent. Our family and friends loved it. We landed an audition and interest from a small label in Florida
    Our passion to succeed was unstoppable. Eric and I knew we were on the right path; our dream was becoming a reality to us. The more we spoke it and told others about it, the more real it became. We were songwriters and I was a singer! The only thing left to do was to let the entire world know it! I had to find the courage to play it for David Foster and to get his advice. I wanted to do it in person, which was very scary to say the least. After meeting and turning down the offer from the small label out of Florida, I thought the offers would just keep coming, they didn’t. It would be two long years before the next real offer would come along.
    My newfound zest for life brought me on many new adventures. I took a job in a mortuary singing for funerals. I joined a local band, sang at “Great America” (a theme park in Northern California) and I even delivered singing telegrams. I wanted to do anything I could that would allow me to sing. Even though many months, even a year had gone by since Eric and I made our demo tape, in my mind I was going for it.
    My pursuit for a record deal was a state of mind for me. As long as I continued on with my dream I would be okay. I kept on singing. I was even given the opportunity to make an album locally with a musician, Steve Sitton, who put a lot of time and money into the belief of my career.
    Then one day, Jaymes Foster from David Foster’s office called and asked if I was still pursuing a deal. She had found my demo tape that I had sent almost two years previous in a box that was slated for the garbage. She took a listen to see if there was anything in there worth a first or second listen. David was starting a label and seeking talent.
    One thing led to another and before I knew what was happening, I was in Los Angeles meeting with Chris Farren and auditioning for Kyle Lehning from Asylum records! I had never experienced anything like it before. I thought my audition for the summer theatre was scary; I had no idea how frightening the big time could be.
    Here I was, having had one rehearsal with unfamiliar musicians, no audience, in a tension-filled room of industry big wigs. My family was back at home and David Foster had put his reputation on the line on my behalf. Part of me wanted to go home, but the dreamer in me had been preparing for this day my entire life.
    Before we began, David came over and put his hand on my shoulder. His last words of encouragement for me were, “Don’t f_ _ _ this up.” Those words surely put me at ease!
    When the music started, I took a deep breath and at that point I pretended I was on stage in front of the thousands of fans I had imagined all of those nights during chemo. I sang and I gave them what I knew I had in me and I didn’t hold anything back. When I finished my first song, the room was filled with dead silence. My heart was pounding in my chest. My mind was like a runaway freight train. “They hated me, I could have done better, and David is going to kill me.” Just then I heard the music to my second song begin and there I was again singing like I was the biggest thing to hit the music industry. No one had any reaction, just poker faces and dead silence. I was thinking that I was finished, but I continued on in this same manner until all of the songs were finished.
    When I sang my last note, I hopped down off the stage and went to where the refreshments were. Feeling nervous and defeated, I was surprised when Kyle Lehning came up behind me, shook my hand and said,

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