here too” (Acts 17:6). God showed Paul how to spend his life in such a way that people, and human history, were never the same again. Two thousand years later, we are still feeling the impact of what God did through Paul’s life.
How are you living your life? Are you investing in what matters? Are you leaving a spiritual legacy? Will you be fondly remembered for good long after you are gone? Will the world be a better place, because you passed through it? Ask God to show you what you must do to become a person of greater spiritual influence.
Good News!
THE HISTORY OF business could be viewed as a series of periodic breakthroughs. There have been moments of discovery and decision that forever changed the marketplace. Commodore Vanderbilt turned his back on his shipping business to invest in the emerging railroad industry, propelling him to become the wealthiest man in America. Henry Ford perfected a means of producing affordable “horseless carriages” for the masses that brought an end to horse-drawn carriages and revolutionized America. Andrew Carnegie utilized a superior method of manufacturing steel that made him one of America’s wealthiest tycoons. Rockefeller developed oil refining and transporting processes until he became the undisputed king of the oil industry. Bill Gates left Harvard University without graduating to throw himself into an innovative new software company. In most cases, a discovery of new methods of production or distribution led businesspeople to spectacular heights. Fresh insights can bring enormous success.
In 1900, Milton Hershey sold his caramel business to his chief rival for one million dollars. It was a premium price. Yet it appeared that an aggressive competitor had pushed Hershey out of the market. The fact was that Hershey believed milk chocolate was the candy of the future and he wanted to be at the forefront of the new trend. Hershey built a factory to produce the chocolate and developed an entire city (Hershey, PA) in which his plant and its employees were located. His major problem was that he did not have a workable recipe for milk chocolate! His teams of inventors worked day and night, conducting numerous experiments to master its production, but to no avail. In 1903, after suffering repeated failure, Hershey invited John Schmalbach from his Lancaster plant to come to his home and help him solve the puzzle. That night, Schmalbach managed to “break the code” and Hershey’s milk chocolate was birthed. The good news quickly spread throughout Hershey’s employees. Everyone realized they once again had hope, and a future.
On a clear night in the Judean countryside, shepherds were on duty through the night, caring for their flocks of sheep. Shepherds were hardened, working people. Few people trusted them. They labored long hours for a meager reward. Life never changed for shepherds. The great decisions made in the major cities of Jerusalem, Caesarea, and Rome meant little to them.
Suddenly the sky lit up with fiery, heavenly messengers. An angel cried out, “ Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people” (Luke 2:10). The good news of the Gospel brings great joy. Significantly, the first time it was shared, it was presented to people working the night shift! God loves working people and He delights in bringing them good news.
“Angel” means “messenger.” It describes someone who delivers a message. Rather than always dispatching winged emissaries from heaven, God may assign us that task. The news of Christ is good news and it brings great joy. The marketplace is filled with joyless people who desperately need good news. You can be God’s ambassador to your workplace with a message that changes peoples’ lives and infuses them with hope. The Gospel can bring people the “breakthrough” they are looking for that forever changes their lives. You could be God’s dispenser of good news to your colleagues. Who
Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough