You have a choice, one is to stone her as per the custom, or break off the engagement. Being a truly compassionate man, he chose the latter. Suddenly an angel appeared to Joseph to confirm that Mary was telling the truth, the baby would be a boy, and to call him Jesus (meaning Savior or Deliverer).
Joseph was obedient even though it was extremely embarrassing for him (Matthew 1:20-24). The angel brought a third alternative, and that was to marry her. Oftentimes the Lord comes with a much better alternative if we will seek His face. Still, this was a very small town. Having to marry while still pregnant in the old Jewish culture would be a stigma and cause everyone to look down on them both.
Joseph was patient and disciplined (Matthew 1:25). The angel told Joseph that he could not have sex with his wife until the baby was born. The beds were small, and he had not had any sexual relationship with Mary, his beloved wife. That would take a lot of patience and discipline for any man.
Joseph was totally obedient (Matthew 2:13-15). Think of being awakened in the night and being told to pack everything you have that will fit on top of a donkey and leave immediately with your wife and child and go to a foreign country by walking several hundred miles. Fortunately the Lord had provided some gold via the wise men, but they were still young, going by foot, and into a country that spoke Egyptian. How many of us would have been that obedient?
Joseph was protective (Matthew 2:19-23). After a couple of years, Joseph was told to go back so they began the long walk home. Unfortunately, there was now a new murderous king, Archelaus, near Bethlehem, so Joseph led his wife and child to Nazareth, to protect them.
Joseph appears to have lived with Jesus for all of His early years, taking Him to the festivals in Jerusalem (Luke 2:51).As the older brother, Jesus helped raise Joseph’s large family.
We might assume that Joseph did not have much effect on Jesus, and that He was only taught by the Holy Spirit. But I think that would be a mistake. Joseph was a successful CEO and for many years he taught and modeled godly principles to his sons and daughters. James, Jesus’ brother, wrote the most businesslike epistle in the Bible after Jesus’ death.
Would God have entrusted you with the raising of His Son? Would you have had the character qualities God was looking for? What changes do we need to make to be more like Joseph?
What character qualities of Joseph most impress you? Do you possess any of those same attributes? How might you enhance those character traits in your life?
Why do you think God grants assignments based on character? Why is character so important to God?
List some assignments God has given you. Have you handled them as Joseph dealt with his? If the way you have handled assignments in the past determines what God gives you next, what should you expect from God in the future?
Section Three
Spiritual Influence
OUR LIVES ON earth are brief at best. We spend a few decades walking upon the planet before we return to the dust from which we came. We can choose to spend our years vainly pursuing fleeting pleasures and grasping at petty recognitions, or, we can invest ourselves in eternity. We cannot enjoy our money forever, regardless of its amount or the security of its investment. No government or company or building is eternal. But people are. If we are wise, we will invest ourselves into that which lasts.
Some people live lives that make little or no difference to anyone. They come and go in human history and no one suffers loss when they depart. Yet others live in such a way that the world is never the same after they are gone. Paul was such a man. He began his adult life harming people in his frantic quest to achieve power and fame. Yet once he surrendered his life into the hands of Christ, he changed his world. His enemies in Thessalonica claimed, “ These who have turned the world upside down have come