Wild Hunts
in this remote area outside of Trout Lake, Washington. Just like her mood.
    The wild rage had tempered itself. She indulged in her bloodlust, the painful howls of that pathetic captive still humming in her ears. Her pack mates had wisely left her to her doings. She bathed and ate and felt rejuvenated.
    Then, she went to fetch Lilia. For half an hour she searched the private rooms of the underground maze, following her sister’s scent until she came here.
    “You foolish little pup. I told you to stay put.”
    Eva tilted her head and drew in the mixture of crisp water, rustic wood, and dead leaves. Damn water. Damn it indeed. She chose this particular spot for the lake. The small expanse of water helped to hide the scents of her captives. No one could track them here. The entrance was skillfully hidden behind thick brush and two trees that created an ominous archway between two large boulders. Discovering the gem had been a stroke of good luck, and some curious noses sniffing about.
    Now, the very body of water that cleansed the foul scents of filth and decay also erased her sister’s tracks. She needed Lilia to create a new strategy. The runt always had a knack for stealth. It was a key to her survival during their younger years when Laela and Eliza used to pick on her. She hid in the smallest crevices until it was safe. Then she’d pounce with more fire and spunk than the three of them combined.
    “Lil, where the hell did you go? We have work to do.”
    There was no response, even after five minutes and several more attempts to connect with her. Eva stomped her foot with a teeth-vibrating growl. Fuck. Why did she strap herself with their youngest? Because she felt sorry for the unreasonable rebel? Because she thought she could mold the little wench into the perfect sidekick?
    “And where am I? Standing on the fucking shore, waiting like an idiot.”
    Eva snarled and spun back to her hideaway. She didn’t have time to waste. Her men would be sent out at the first signs of sunrise. A new shipment was coming in, and Lilia wouldn’t be the reason for her delay. A half-dozen broken down wolves had managed to escape earlier. Two months worth of work, deconstruction, and reprogramming lost to a new enemy.
    Well, if she had any luck on her side after this latest incident, perhaps those she’d been training to kill the whites would latch onto a scent path and maim her nemesis.
    Ducking into the dark pathway between the boulders, she scowled. None of you should’ve survived. You’ve done nothing but wreak havoc in our lives.

Chapter Six

    “Bro, you doing okay?”
    Slade’s quiet nudge in his mind stirred him from the dark, unrelenting memories. Cold touched his skin, seeping into his blood mercilessly. Damn, to turn back to the numbing reminder would nurse his stricken pride.
    Micah sighed, blinking the haze from his eyes. The stars shimmered overhead, the sky still clear despite the light hues of navy creeping into the horizon. He hooked the wool blanket with the toe of his boot and pulled it up to his chest. The foam pad beneath him cushioned the hard plastic lining in the bed of his truck, but it didn’t pad the shameful reminder of being kicked out of his mate’s bedroom. Had he not left, his wolf would’ve gotten the best of him. Jordan wouldn’t have survived the attack.
    “Hey, Micah. She’s coming out to you.”
    Micah perked at the news. Jordan had left the cabin almost an hour earlier with little more than a grunt in his direction. He didn’t have much to offer the man in return besides his bitter hide and a few pointed teeth. As the minutes passed, he began to doubt the woman whom the spirits appointed as his mate cared to have him anywhere near her.
    And worst of all, he didn’t know why. What the hell had he done wrong?
    The hinges on the cabin door creaked. Micah closed his eyes and slowed his breaths, soaking in the wild scents surrounding him. When the sweetness he knew belonged to Kasa, and Kasa

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