Bold Seduction

Free Bold Seduction by Karyn Gerrard

Book: Bold Seduction by Karyn Gerrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karyn Gerrard
which in many cases seemed to increase the man’s passion. At times, and they were rare, she rewarded a select few with her finely honed and rehearsed response. Deceiving Spence was off the table. She wanted to experience desire, but also deeply frightened she would not respond to him as she should or as she wished to.
    Phil tunneled her fingers through his chest hair. “Spence, there is a chance I may not become aroused enough to… Oh, damn it all to bloody hell,” she muttered. How to explain her apprehension about being able to reach an orgasm? Sitting upright, she pulled her nightgown to her waist, then bent her legs and spread them wide. They might as well put her doubts to the test. “Here, Professor. Make a study of me.”
    Spence pulled his trousers over his hips and kneeled between her thighs. He leaned in and examined her. She couldn’t help but laugh at his serious expression. “You are wet. That is a good thing, correct?” he questioned.
    “Yes, a very good thing. And for me, rare. In the past, I used lubricants to ease a man inside me. All I have to do is touch you, hear that splendid voice, and I grow wet with need. Only you, Spence, and I am amazed as much as I am terrified.” She clutched his arm briefly, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
    He sat upright, his brows knotting together. “For God’s sake, why?”
    “I don’t want to bloody well feel anything,” she whispered.
    He trailed his fingers upward, leaving a path of heat in its wake. “We are alone here, Philomena. Two people giving each other pleasure. No boundaries and no promises. An unknown journey. An exploration. I will leave doubt behind if you will leave your fright.”
    God, his voice. Smooth as silk and deep as sin, each syllable playing havoc with her restraint. She nodded. “All right. You have a deal, Professor Hornsby.”
    Spreading her quim wide, he teased her curls and stroked her folds. “My oldest brother, Harry, told me there is a special button hidden under a hood of skin that can give a woman extreme pleasure.” He explored, causing her to shudder with each caress. “Ah, there. For once he did not exaggerate.”
    He rubbed vigorously, which caused her to shake and shudder. “How inexperienced are you?” she gasped.
    “No experience at all, but I have two older brothers who love to boast of their erotic tales in excruciating detail. They mentioned a few things I would like to try.” He gave her a playful, sexually charged grin.
    Dare she ask? Spence was not what she imagined he would be. Tentative and shy at first, he seemed to take to this as a duck to water. If he could brush aside his suspicions and doubts, then she could, too. “Like what, Professor?”
    “Against the wall, on a table, me behind, sitting in a chair…” He rattled off a few more positions and with each one, he increased the rhythm. “Tremain is fond of oral sex. Perhaps that would be something to try.” Leaning in, he pushed one finger inside her, causing her to cry out in surprise. As he rubbed his thumb against the hardened, sensitive nub, he thrust in and out. The wet sound of his ministrations filled the air. “Your mouth on my cock, my tongue plunged into your quim…”
    She screamed, loud and lustily. Colors swirled in her vision. Bloody hell, an orgasm. And all from his mere touch. And Spence, ever the intelligent man, used his voice to bring her pleasure. Oh, God. Such pleasure. Her insides melted, and her heart banged against her ribcage, threatening to burst out of her chest. Heaving, she dared to meet his gaze. The look on his face was not of an arrogant man, smug in the knowledge he did what no man had done before. Rather, she read tenderness in his reflective expression, and that made her insides tumble in yearning.
    With a slow gentleness, he lowered her nightgown, brushed her sweat matted hair off her forehead, and gave her a tender kiss on it. He lay down and brought her with him, covering them both with his bedspread.

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