Another Snowbound Christmas

Free Another Snowbound Christmas by Veronica Tower

Book: Another Snowbound Christmas by Veronica Tower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Tower
Tags: Erotica/Romance
enough to always be good for a second round.
    She eased her fingertips up against her labia, squeezing the soft flesh with pressure from either side. Her insides tingled in response, but the feeling was nowhere near as intense as what Ron did to her. She wanted to feel Ron's fingers down here, or better yet his talented tongue, and she wanted him strongly enough to admit that she'd been...well wrong was too strong a word, but she'd certainly been overly enthusiastic in her criticism of his ardent desire for her body. And she knew the perfect way to apologize.
    She got out of bed and crossed the floor to her bathroom, swallowing down on a surge of irritation when she saw he'd left the medicine cabinet door open yet again. Her boyfriend was very messy and he didn't seem to be getting better in his practices. Kara had no interest in playing mother to him, picking up after him when he dropped his clothes on the floor or failed to get his clean laundry into the drawers and closet. Heck, sometimes he dropped his clothes on the floor when the hamper was literally only three feet away. A little toss would get the clothes into it but he couldn't be bothered to do it.
    But this was not the time to obsess about these failings. She did her business on the toilet and then quickly slipped into the shower because it grossed her out to think of Ron going down on her when she wasn't really clean. He'd have done it, of course. He had done it many times in the past. But she preferred to get clean first.
    So she hurried through her shower, taking no time at all to primp herself further for Ron's touch, and then toweled off and slipped on one of her sexier nightgowns. She loved the feel of the silk on her breasts and ass and while it rode a little higher on her thighs than she was truly comfortable with, Ron had always seemed to appreciate that fact.
    She started downstairs to wait for him to return from his run, but suffered a momentary crisis in self-confidence. What if he was still mad about last night? What if one of her sisters showed up unannounced? It was Christmas morning after all. Anything could happen!
    She grabbed a robe to go over top of the nightgown and went downstairs.
    Ron had not gone running. Instead he stood barefoot in the cold kitchen with only a pair of pajama bottoms covering his athletic body while he cooked breakfast for them. Eggs, pancakes, sausage—the evidence of his efforts lay scattered across the countertops all around him while half her cabinet doors hung open. At least he'd closed the refrigerator, but then, it pretty much shut itself.
    “Merry Christmas!” Ron greeted her. “I'm sorry to see you so early. I'd hoped to bring this up to you in bed.”
    Which would have just left this mess setting out even later, Kara thought. She failed to suppress a sigh and started closing cabinet doors.
    Ron stopped cooking and offered her a peck on the cheek, which Kara was no longer in the mood to accept gracefully. “Hey,” he said, “Merry Christmas, beautiful.”
    “Merry Christmas, Ron,” Kara said without enthusiasm as she began to close up the container of eggs. Why he couldn't take out what he needed and put the container right back in the refrigerator, she didn't understand. She hadn't visited his apartment very often when he'd had his own place—Ron was smart enough to know that she'd be off put by his mess—but even so she'd found eggs out over there that had clearly sat on the counter since before he'd left for work that morning. That kind of carelessness offended Kara on all sorts of levels.
    Ron was not through trying to make the morning special. “Hey, let me get that. You sit down and take it easy this morning.”
    He flipped hash browns in the skillet then darted across the kitchen to fetch two plates. Of course, there wasn't any place for him to set them on the counters.
    Kara picked up a loaf of bread to make room for him, her eyes darting to the toaster where a merry red glow announced it was

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