Illusion (Swept Away Book 1)

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Book: Illusion (Swept Away Book 1) by J.S. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.S. Cooper
to run out of air, when I felt myself being lifted out of the water again.
    “I didn’t get it.” He sounded angry with himself.
    “Next time, give me some warning when you’re taking me under with you.” I spat the salt water from my mouth. “I nearly drowned just now.”
    “Yes, Bianca.”
    “When we went under, a whole heap of—”
    “Okay, we’re going under in one, two, three.” He cut me off, and before I knew what was happening, we were going under again.
    This time, I made sure my mouth was closed as I went under, and I concentrated on trying to keep as still as possible as I bounced against Jakob’s back. I knew the exact moment he found the rock, because his body moved back and forthmaniacally, bobbing me around in the water like some sort of buoy.
    I kept my eyes shut and mouth closed as we bobbed around under the water. I was scared that I was going to pass out. A part of me wondered if this was how it was going to end for me. Why had I been so trusting as to go into the ocean with him? He weighed more than me and was stronger than me. If he wanted to keep me underwater and drown me, he could. My life flashed before my eyes as I stared at the fish as they swam around inches from my face. Just as I was about to try to elbow him, he jumped back out of the water. I took a large gulp of air and said a quick and thankful prayer.
    “You stayed down too long just now!” I called out angrily. “I nearly ran out of oxygen!”
    “I’m sorry.” His voice sounded contrite. “I nearly got the rope off,” he gasped excitedly. “I should have come up earlier. I just wanted to get it off so badly.”
    “It’s fine,” I said weakly, suddenly feeling exhausted.
    “You okay?” His excited tone changed, and he sounded genuinely concerned.
    “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just been a long day, and I don’t want to end it by drowning.”
    “I know. It’ll be okay. You’ll see.” I felt his back muscles tense against me, and our shoulders and asses rubbed against each other for a few seconds without our attempting to move away.
    “From your mouth to God’s ears, please.”
    “Yes, ma’am. Are you ready for us to go under again?”
    I sighed. “Let me take some big breaths first.” I sucked in oxygen like I didn’t know when I’d have it again. I tried to concentrate on staying calm, but my mind was distracted by the feel of his legs pressed against mine. He was strong. I could feel that in his movements. He was strong and powerful. I wondered what he’d be like in bed. If he’d be a gentle giant or totally dominating. I felt my fear and worry being replaced by wonder and lust. He shifted back against me, and I felt his ass brushing mine again. Part of me wondered if he wasn’t deliberately rubbing back against me. I was just about to ask him, when he jerked slightly.
    “Okay. One, two, three, under!” he shouted, and down we went again.
    This time, it was easier. I was accustomed to being tossed around against his back. I stared at the fish now, not feeling apprehensive or scared. They were so small yet so beautiful. I was amazed at the different colors and shapes.
    There was one that seemed as fascinated with me as I was with it, and it just seemed to swim in place, staring at me. It had an odd shape, with a bright yellow tail and yellow fins. I noticed that the rims of the fish were yellow as well. It also had dark navy lips and spots on its scales. I’d never seen anything like it before. I was so captivated by the fish that I was taken aback when Jakob jumped out of the water again.
    “I got it!” he exclaimed, and I felt his shoulders move as he stretched his arms up.
    “Lucky you.” I felt envious of his freedom as my wrists chafed together in the water.
    “I’m going to try to break the rope around our waist now.” He paused. “I’m going to try to tear it at the front of me.”
    “Sure. Take care of yourself first.”
    “It will be easier.”
    “Whatever,” I mumbled.

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