Illusion (Swept Away Book 1)

Free Illusion (Swept Away Book 1) by J.S. Cooper

Book: Illusion (Swept Away Book 1) by J.S. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.S. Cooper
like,” I lied as an image of his handsome face flashed through my mind. “I just recognized your blue eyes, that’s all.”
    “Well, as you can tell, I’m tall, dark, and handsome. The doctor would probably say I’m six two. I weigh in at a respectable two hundred pounds. Most of it is pure muscle.”
    I rolled my eyes at his comment. He certainly wasn’t on the modest side.
    “I’ve got dark brown hair, that’s almost black and blue eyes that twinkle in the sunlight.”
    “Are you joking?” I groaned.
    “Well, you asked.” He laughed.
    “I wasn’t asking you to give me your online dating profile.”
    “I don’t date online.”
    “Of course you don’t.” I made a face and looked down at the water.
    “Do you?”
    “Do I what?”
    “Date online?”
    “I have in the past.” I cringed. “There are too many psychos online though.”
    “Yeah, but I’m sure there are some nice guys as well. My brother dates online.”
    “Good for him.”
    “He doesn’t seem to have any problems.”
    “Well, I think it’s easier for men. They have all the pickings. It’s us women who have to scramble.”
    “You have to be careful online. You never know who you’re going to meet.” His words seemed casual, but I heard a hidden meaning behind them.
    “You never know who you’re going to meet in real life either.”
    “True,” he agreed. “You never really know what someone’s intentions are, do you?”
    “No,” I responded. “No, you don’t.”
    I thought back to Matt and how my life had taken a disturbing twist after talking to him. I had no proof that he was related to any of the crazy events that had happened, but Ihad my suspicions. I really hoped that Rosie had paid attention when I’d read her the e-mails I’d received. If she was okay, that could be vital information for her to give the police, now that I’d been kidnapped.
    “I’m sure you do fine.” Jakob interrupted my thoughts. “A beautiful girl like you must have all the men lining up.”
    “I mean, what with your winning personality, love of all movies and monster TV shows, and your green-brown eyes, well, I don’t know how any guy could turn you away.”
    “Very funny.” I laughed slightly. “You forgot to add that I’m so captivating that someone chose to kidnap me.”
    “It must be because you’re an heiress.”
    “Trust me. I’m not an heiress.” I sighed. “So either they kidnapped the wrong person or they took me for another reason.”
    “Yeah, who knows.” His voice was curious. “Why do you think you were being followed?”
    “I’m not really sure.” I lied, not willing to tell him everything. “I think it has something to do with a research project I was involved with.”
    “Ooh, political investigation? That sort of stuff? Is the mayor taking bribes or something?”
    “No, nothing like that.” I chuckled slightly. It seemed like Jakob had an even greater imagination than I did. “Why do you think they took you?”
    “You mean, aside from my good looks?” He sighed. “Or aside from them thinking I know you?”
    “Yeah, aside from your good looks, Don Juan.”
    “I don’t know.” He sighed. “I really don’t. Unless you orchestrated it so you could have your wicked way with me.”
    “Uh-huh.” I laughed. “That’s it.”
    “You didn’t have to kidnap me,” he continued. “I would have said yes without this elaborate plot.”
    “Yes to what?”
    “Your seducing me.”
    “You wish,” I gasped, and my face went red.
    “I’m joking.” His voice turned serious. “I’m rich. Very rich. If I wasn’t kidnapped because of you, then I’m pretty sure I was kidnapped because I have money.”
    “I knew you were rich!” I exclaimed, and then I remembered what had made me pause earlier. He’d called himself charming. It reminded me of the letter I’d received back in my apartment that night. What had it said again? Beauty and Charm. One survives. One is destroyed. What are

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