After the Ex Games
fingers played with the other one. I then kissed down her stomach and pulled her skirt off. She opened her legs to give me access and I grinned at the small smile on her face. I pushed her legs open even more and lowered my head into her womanhood. My tongue licked her quivering clit softly at first, but as I tasted her, I felt myself losing control. She tasted so sweet, so perfect.
    My tongue darted into her pussy and she trembled underneath me. Her body shook as she had a small orgasm on my face. I licked her up eagerly, enjoying the fact that I could do this to her so easily. She was mine, and all I wanted to do was to taste her and give her pleasure.
    “Brandon,” she groaned as her fingers played with my hair.
    “Yes, my love?”
    “Don’t stop,” she moaned and pushed my head back into her wetness.
    I grinned as I licked her folds and sucked on her clit. Her fingers played with my hair as she wiggled on the bed. I continued to pleasure her and then I felt her fingers still. I entered her with my tongue once again and she came hard and fast, erupting on my face with her body shaking furiously.
    “Oh, Katie,” I groaned and kissed back up her body to her lips. “You taste like cotton candy.”
    “Then you’re the candyman,” she breathed out hard, and I kissed her this time, softly and sweetly. She pulled away from me and kissed down my chest, sucking on my nipples and flicking them gently with her fingertips. She continued her descent and I closed my eyes as she pulled my jeans down. “I want to taste you now,” she whispered as she pulled my jeans down. Her fingers felt cool against my cock, and I gasped as she took me into her warm mouth.
    “Oh, Katie,” I groaned as I felt myself getting harder and harder. I pulled her up and shifted her hips so that she was straddling me. “Ride me, Katie.”
    “You want me to be your cowgirl?”
    “Be my naughty cowgirl.” I nodded and groaned as she guided my cock inside of her. “Oh, Katie,” I grunted as she started rocking her hips back and forth. “Oh, Katie,” I said again, feeling myself getting carried away by the depth of emotions she was bringing about in me as she rode me hard.
    “Oh, Brandon, I’m going to come,” she groaned, and I lifted her hips up and down so I could thrust my cock deep inside of her every time she came down on me.
“Come for me, Katie. Come for me.” I held her still on top of me as I came inside of her. “If we weren’t already pregnant, this would definitely have resulted in another baby,” I grunted as she rolled down next to me.
    “What?” she mumbled and stroked my hair.
    “I was just saying that if you weren’t already pregnant—”
    “I heard that.” She looked at me with a confused expression. “What are you talking about?”
    “The baby you’re having.”
    “What baby?” She looked at me like I was crazy.
    “I saw the test. Two pink lines.”
    “What test?” She sat up now. “What are you talking about Brandon?”
    “I thought you were pregnant.” I frowned. “I found a test in the guest bathroom.”
    “That’s not my test.” She shook her head and then her eyes looked at me with a worried expression. “Fuck. Meg’s pregnant.”
    “Don’t be so happy for her.” I kissed her softly.
    “It’s just going to complicate things.” She sighed and lay back down on the bed.
    I cuddled her in my arms and kissed her collarbone. “It’ll be okay.”
    “It’s going to be hard for her to get away from Greyson now.” She ran her fingers down my chest.
    “He’s not so bad.”
    “He’s not so good either.” She made a face and then looked up into my eyes. “You seemed really excited to be having another baby.”
    “I thought it would be cool if you were pregnant.”
    “Harry would like a brother or a sister, I’m sure.” She grinned. “I know he hates being an only child.”
    “Yeah.” I closed my eyes and all I could see in my head was a little baby girl. I felt my body tense

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