After the Ex Games
we’ve been living in forever, for the rest of their lives.” And then she hung up. I put the phone in my lap at looked up.
    “That was Patsy, wasn’t it?” He looked grim and then satisfied as I nodded. “Does she really think she’s going to get away with it?”
    “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “She loves Greyson, you know?”
    “Do you think I give a shit?” He laughed. “She means nothing to me.”
    “Just like I mean nothing to you?”
    “I have to go.” He jumped up. “I’m locking you in here. Don’t bother screaming. No one will hear you.”
    “Are you going to kill me?” I called out after him, but he didn’t answer as he left the room and locked it.
    I closed my eyes and lay down on the bed, staring into the darkness of my mind. I laughed as I realized that I still had my phone on my lap. I could make a call and get out of here if I wanted to. I could call 911. I could flee and turn them all in. Though there wasn’t really a point. If he didn’t love me and he didn’t want me, what did it matter? I meant nothing to him. Never had and never would. I was a speck of nothing to the entire universe and nothing was going to change that.

Chapter 12

    “Close your eyes.” Katie grabbed my arm as soon as I walked through the front door.
    “What? Why?”
    “Just close your eyes.” She slipped a thin piece of material over my eyes and tied a knot at the back of my head.
    “What are you doing?” I held on to her arm as she escorted me through the room.
    “Meg and Greyson are staying at the club tonight for some work stuff.” Her fingers squeezed mine and I tried not to panic.
    “What do you mean?” My voice sounded stiff, and I cleared my throat.
    “I mean we have the house to ourselves tonight.” I could hear a smile in her voice. “I want us to enjoy it. No Harry and no friends.”
    “I thought we were going to have a sit-down.”
    “I guess Greyson needs to work up the courage to tell Meg everything.” She pushed me down onto the bed. “They’re coming over tomorrow morning.”
    “I see.” I took a deep breath and froze as I felt Katie’s fingers undoing my zipper. “So tonight we’re playing?”
    “Don’t you want to play?”
    “I always want to play.”
    “So then let’s play.”
    “You’re okay with waiting until tomorrow?”
    “Yes.” I felt her lips gently pressing against mine. “Let’s give them a night to talk. Tomorrow they may be breaking up.” She sighed. “I know this is horrible to say, but I guess Meg should have one more night of passion before the rug is pulled from under her feet.”
    “Yeah,” I mumbled and grabbed her hair, kissing her back passionately. “One more night of passion before all the secrets are spilled.”
    “Exactly. Hmmm,” she moaned against my lips as my fingers played with her breasts. “Tonight I’m going to show you what you’ve been missing all these years.”
    “Don’t stop,” I groaned as she unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off. “Do I have to be blindfolded?”
    “I thought it’d be more fun.”
    “I just want to see your beautiful body,” I groaned. “I want to see it and touch it and feel it and squeeze it and taste it and taunt it.”
    “I get it, Brandon.” She giggled and pulled the blindfold off. “You’re an idiot.”
    “An idiot in love with you,” I growled and pushed her onto her back. “Now I’m going to kiss you hard.” I got on top of her and pressed my lips down on hers, pushing my tongue into her parted lips as I pulled her top off. “No bra.” I grinned as my fingers played with her naked breasts.
    “I can’t plan a night of seduction and wear a bra.”
    “Oh?” I reached my fingers down the front of her skirt and felt her naked wetness. “No panties either?”
    “Of course,” she moaned as she writhed beneath me. “What would be the fun in that?”
    “Fuck, I love you.”
    I kissed down her neck and then stopped at her breasts, sucking and biting one as my

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