Tying You Down

Free Tying You Down by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Tying You Down by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
friend, Carrie, in Phoenix,” Jo said. “I can drive down separately and see her on Sunday if she’s going to be around.”
    “That sounds wonderful, dear.” Del beamed. “I’m so happy you’ll be coming.”
    Del moved away to talk with Danica and Jo looked up at Tate who still had his arm around her. “Did you just set me up?”
     “Nope. But I don’t mind the way it worked out.” He grinned and shook his head. “I was planning on staying the night at a hotel and spending some time with Creed on Sunday. Rather than driving separately, we can go down together.”
    Jo tilted her head as she looked at him. “I thought we were taking things slow.”
    He raised his hands. “We can each get our own room.”
    “Hmmm.” She put one hand on her hip. “If you promise to behave.”
    His lips twitched with amusement. “Promise. We won’t do anything that we both don’t want to have happen.”
    She cocked an eyebrow. “Well, that’s loaded.”
    He put his arm around her shoulders again and squeezed. “Don’t worry about me.”
    In truth, it wasn’t him she was worried about.
    When it was getting late, each couple started to leave. After hugs and waves goodbye, Jo walked with Tate to his truck. The cool night made her glad she had her wrap. Ranch scents met her nose and she heard the lowing of cattle. The sky was clear and the stars so bright that they were like a brilliant swath against the darkness of the universe.
    He opened the passenger side door and helped her into her seat. The heels and the short dress made it a little harder to get in. His hand moved to her bottom as he helped her in and he gave her a teasing smile before closing the door and going to the driver’s side and climbing in.
    “That was fun.” She looked at him as he started the truck then headed down the dirt road leading from the McBride family ranch. “Thanks for taking me to Creed’s birthday get-together.”
    “Thanks for coming with me.” He glanced from the road to her and gave her a smile. “Mom and Dad enjoyed seeing you, too.”
    “I’ve always liked your parents,” Jo said.
    Tate nodded. “Our dad was strict and tough, but he was a good father. Mom’s hand was a little lighter, but she managed to handle all of us, too.”
    Jo was quiet as her thoughts turned to Charlee and the man her sister had slept with. Jo had managed to push her concerns aside for the night, but they were back. At least a fourteen-year difference between the two—it was like robbing the cradle.
    “Thinking about your sister?” Tate asked, breaking the silence.
    Jo met his gaze before he looked back at the road. “How did you know?”
    “You’re frowning and you look like you’re thinking on something real hard,” he said. “I don’t blame you for being concerned. That David Smith is a stranger around here and he’s a lot older than Charlee.”
    “Exactly what I was thinking.” Jo worked to shake off her worries. “I’m just an overprotective older sister.”
    “I don’t blame you one damned bit.” Tate reached across the console between them and took her hand in his. His grip was reassuring, and she squeezed his hand in return. “You haven’t been to my ranch,” he said and she was glad for the change in subject. “I’ll have to take you sometime.”
    “I’d like that.” She let herself enjoy the warmth of his hand holding hers. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been on any kind of ranch. Being on your parents’ tonight doesn’t count.”
    “We can go horseback riding if you’d like,” he said.
    She smiled. “That would be fun.”
    It didn’t seem long at all before they reached her home and he walked her to her doorstep after helping her out of his truck. When she reached her door she took her keys out of her purse and unlocked the door.
    For a long moment they looked at each other as they stood on the doorstep, the light above them in the archway illuminating the night in a soft glow. “Would you like to

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