
Free Awakening by Ashley Suzanne

Book: Awakening by Ashley Suzanne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Suzanne
puts my arm through his and knocks on the door.  I don’t think he realizes that he has to have a VIP ticket to get in.
    “My club brother is a DJ here, I won’t have any problems,” Skylar whispers into my ear, reading my mind.  How does he do that?
    “I think maybe I will take you up on that bite to eat.”  I see the way the bouncer is looking at me.  I look out of the corner of my eye to see the vein in Skylar’s neck pulsing. This is not good.  Bad news bears.
    “Sounds even better.  Kylee are you good?”
    “I’m better than good, loves.  I’m fucking great.”  Kylee straightens her skirt and moves toward the bouncer.  He stares right at her ass as she walks by.  What a fucking pig.

    “Where exactly are we going, Sky?”
    “Like I told Kylee, we’re going to get something to eat.  It’s high time we talked.”
    Not that I mind talking to Skylar, I just don’t know if this is the right time.  I hadn’t planned on seeing him tonight.  I was prepared to spend the night dancing and laughing with Kylee and I have to admit, I’m kind of sad I don’t get to see the band backstage now that we’ve left. 
    Even with the frustration of the situation, I can’t help but feel that electrical current that shoots up my spine when Skylar places his hand on the small of my back to lead me out of The Fillmore.  I wonder if he feels this energy, too.
    When we’re outside the venue, Skylar takes the lead and grabs my hand.  The feeling of our palms touching is almost too much to bear.  I want his hands all over me and the emotions that are surging through my body solidify my dream.  I love this man.  I want this man.  I need this man.
    “Where’s your car?”
    “I didn’t drive my car.  I rode.” God, even his smirk is sexy as sin. 
    “Sky, I can’t get on the bike.  I just can’t.”  The fear of the accident starts to pulse through my veins and my heart rate is out of control.  I swear my heart is about to beat right out of my chest.  Slowly, the memories of the accident are flooding my brain.  I remember the pain and being so scared.
    “Come on, Sweets.  It’s now or never.  You gotta get back on sometime.”
    “Please, I’m scared.  I don’t think I can.  The last time I was on a bike …” I don’t even have to finish my statement because I can see the flash in his eyes.  I know he hasn’t forgotten the accident, but I don’t think he was thinking.  Then again, he wasn’t coming here expecting to pick me up.
    “Let’s get you back inside and I’ll wait with you until Kylee is done.”
    NO!  I want to go with you, but I can’t on the bike. 
    “Sky, I can try.”  My voice comes out weak and unenthusiastic.
    “I’m not going to push you, Sweets.  I know you’re scared and you don’t have to get on the bike.  I just don’t want you alone.  I wanted to talk, but tonight obviously isn’t a good night.”
    No.  He doesn’t get to come here and rip me away from my friend and meeting the band and then just leave me.  We’re talking. 
    I swallow my fear and walk to the bike.  Standing next to his GSX-R that is almost identical to Danny’s leaves me shaking; literally shaking with fear, but I’ll get over it.  I love riding.  I love being on the back of a bike.  I would be lying if I said that a little piece of me doesn’t want to know what riding with him is like.  Is it like my dream?  Only one way to find out.
    “Are you going to give me the spare helmet or are we just going to stand here?”  Yeah, the sass comes out.
    “Mira, really, you don’t have to do this.”
    “Did it ever occur to you that I want to do this?  I’ve never been a pushover, Skylar, and I’m not about to start now.  We’re going to talk.  You owe me that much.  You see me and go all caveman.  It’s time to clear the air.”
    There’s that smirk again.  Skylar unlocks the rear cowl of the bike to unlatch the extra helmet.  Skylar

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