A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas 24

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Book: A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas 24 by Lynn Hagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Hagen
Tags: Vampires, mm
in the kitchen. If you want your cock sucked, meet me out in the barn.”
    George’s cock filled as he licked his lips. “It’ll have to wait. I got cookies bakin’ in the oven.”
    Tank shrugged as he grabbed his toolbox, making George’s cock throb at the sexy image in front of him.
    “Your choice. But my offer expires at midnight.” George slapped his hands on his hips. “What are you, a damn pumpkin?”
    “Nope,” Tank said as he chuckled and walked out of the kitchen.
    George looked back at the oven. “Damn cookies. You better be worth passing that up for.” He bent at the waist, grabbing the sheet from the oven. He growled when the cookies were almost black.
    “You weren’t in there that long!”
    “Talking to cookies?” Maverick asked as he walked over to the oven, grimacing when he looked down at the cookie sheet. “What the hell are those?”
    “Exactly. I need you to call a repairman to come look at it before Tank gets in here with his Internet printout and tinkers with the stove.”
    Maverick’s eyes widened. “On it.” He spun around to walk out and then turned back toward George. “By the way, here.” He tossed a large stack of papers on the table.
    “I know exactly what that is, and I ain’t being in no play unless ya got a rodeo in your pocket.”
    Maverick laughed as he patted his jeans. “Sorry, George. No rodeo in here. It’s all me.”
    George screwed his face up as he grabbed the damn manuscript.
    “TMI, man.” He glanced down at the script, his eyebrows shooting up past his Stetson.
    “I’m so clever,” Maverick said before walking out of the kitchen.
    George growled as he stared down at the manuscript. What the hell?
    “Whatcha got there?” Tank asked as he walked in with the tool belt wrapped around his massive waist. George cocked a brow, his drool pooling in his mouth once more. He tossed the manuscript over his shoulder as he sauntered over to his mate.
    “Something a wise man gave me,” he said as he circled his arms around Tank’s broad shoulders.
    Tank placed his hands on George’s sides, running them up and down, making George shiver where he stood.
    “Barn?” Tank growled the question softly as he began to nibble on George’s neck.
    “Barn,” George agreed as his head fell back on his shoulders.
    “Hot damn!” Tank whooped as he grabbed George around his waist and tossed him over his shoulder, running toward the kitchen door.
    “I can walk!”
    “No need,” Tank said as the cold air blasted George in the face until Tank swung the barn doors open and set George on his feet.
    Tank spun around, closing the doors.
    George chuckled as Tank turned back around, his canines showing as he started unbuttoning his pants.
    “Whoa, I thought I was the one getting a blow job?” George asked as he raced to get his pants down first.
    Tank shook his head as he pulled his cock free. George was always amazed at the mighty python Tank packed in his pants. “Keep the tool belt on.”
    “Kinky bastard. I blow you, I fuck you.” George wagged his cock around as he shook his head. “You blow me, I fuck you.”
    Tank growled. “How’s that fair?”
    “Who said anything about fair?” George asked as his pants slid to his ankles. He tried to walk over to Tank, but his jeans were shackling his ankles. He took tiny steps as he made his way over to his mate.
    “George,” Tank warned.
    “Just suck me and then we’ll work out the fucking part afterward.”
    Tank curled his fingers around George’s cock, pulling him closer.
    God, George loved big hands. He groaned as Tank started stroking both their cocks together. “B–Blow job,” he reminded his mate.
    “Say I can fuck you, and then I’ll suck you.”
    “You’re so damn poetic. Stop arguing with me. My cock is getting soft.”
    Tank glanced down between them. “Hardly.”
    “It could. Now suck it.”
    “Say it.”
    George growled. “Fine, it’s your turn, now suck me.” George held his breath as he

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